Page 21 - pwc-lease-accounting-guide_Neat
P. 21


                       Figure 1-3
                       Topics addressed in the leases standard implementation guidance

                                                                                   Location of discussion in
                        Topic                                                      guide

                        Definition of a lease                                      LG 2.3

                        Lease classification                                       LG 3

                        Lease term, including options to renew or terminate the lease,   LG 3.3.3
                        or to purchase the leased asset

                        Initial recognition – lessee                               LG 4.2

                        Initial recognition – lessor                               LG 4.3

                        Discount rates                                             LG

                        Initial direct costs                                       LG

                        Subsequent recognition and measurement – lessee            LG 4.4

                        Subsequent recognition and measurement – lessor            LG 4.5

                        Modification, remeasurement, and termination of a lease    LG 5

                        Subleases                                                  LG 8.2

                        Sale and leaseback transactions                            LG 6

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