Page 16 - pwc-lease-accounting-guide_Neat
P. 16


                       An operating lease results in the recognition of lease income on a straight-line basis, while the
                       underlying leased asset remains on the lessor’s balance sheet and continues to depreciate.

              1.3  Comparison of ASC 842 and ASC 840

                       The following table summarizes the significant differences between ASC 842 and the previous
                       guidance in ASC 840.
                       Figure 1-2
                       Changes to lease accounting under ASC 842
                        Topic              ASC 842 guidance                Observations

                        Definition of a    An arrangement contains a lease   Under ASC 840, an arrangement can
                        lease              only when such arrangement      contain a lease even without control of
                                           conveys the right to “control” the   the use of the asset if the customer takes
                                           use of an “identified asset”    substantially all of the output over the
                                                                           term of the arrangement.
                                                                           Determining whether an arrangement
                                                                           contains a lease is likely to be more
                                                                           important since virtually all leases will
                                                                           require recognition of an asset and
                                                                           liability. It will also make the allocation of
                                                                           contractual consideration between lease
                                                                           and nonlease components a critical
                                                                           element of the accounting analysis for
                                                                           many reporting entities.

                        Lessee accounting   There are no bright lines and   The lack of explicit bright lines will
                                           there is one additional criterion   increase the level of judgment required
                                           regarding the specialized nature   when classifying a lease – particularly for
                                           of the underlying asset for lease   certain highly structured transactions.
                                           classification                  Despite the removal of the bright lines,
                                                                           the guidance in ASC 842-10-55-2
                                                                           acknowledges that one reasonable
                                                                           approach to determining whether the
                                                                           lease is for a major portion of the asset’s
                                                                           life and whether payments represent
                                                                           substantially all of the asset’s value is the
                                                                           75% and 90% thresholds applicable in
                                                                           ASC 840.

                                           Lessees will recognize a right-of-  Putting nearly all leases on the balance
                                           use asset and a lease liability for   sheet is the biggest change, and one of the
                                           virtually all leases            key objectives of the guidance in ASC

                                           Expense will be recognized on a   Under ASC 840, operating leases are off-
                                           straight-line basis for an      balance sheet. Under ASC 842, the
                                           operating lease. This is        accounting for an operating lease will
                                           accomplished by increasing the   backload amortization of the right-of-use
                                           amortization of the right-of-use   asset, potentially increasing the risk of an
                                           asset as interest expense on the   impairment.
                                           liability declines over the lease

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