Page 25 - Handbook for Employers - Guidance for Completing Form I-9
P. 25

license) and under List C #8, Form I-94 indicating F-1   employment must be directly related to the student’s field
            nonimmigrant status with a properly endorsed Form    of study noted on Form I-20. The student must obtain an
            I-20.  The documents by themselves do not qualify.   EAD from USCIS before they are authorized to work. The
                                                                 student may not begin employment until the date indicated
            An acceptable Form I-20 for CPT must have all        on the EAD.
            employment authorization fields completed. These fields
            include employment status, employment type, start and   The EAD establishes the student’s identity and
            end date of employment, and the employer’s name and   employment authorization for Form I-9 purposes
            location.                                            and the employer should record the card number and
                                                                 expiration date under List A in Section 2. When the
            For the other types of employment available to certain   student’s EAD expires, the employer must reverify the
            foreign students, such as optional practical training   student’s employment authorization in Section 3.
            (OPT) employment authorization, STEM (Science,
            Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), OPT       F-1 STEM OPT Extension
            extension, or off-campus employment based on severe
            economic hardship, employment authorization must be   An F-1 student who received a bachelor’s, master’s, or
            granted by USCIS and will be evidenced by an EAD issued   doctoral degree in science, technology, engineering,
            by USCIS.                                            or mathematics (STEM) from an accredited and SEVP-
                                                                 certified school may apply for a 24-month extension of
            Border commuter students who enter the United States   their optional practical training (OPT).  Employment
            as an F-1 nonimmigrant may only work as part of their   must be directly related to the student’s major area
            curricular practical training or post-completion optional   of study. The employer must be enrolled in and be in
            practical training (OPT).                            good standing with E-Verify. The E-Verify company
                                                                 identification number is required for the student to apply
            M-1 students may only accept employment if it is part   to USCIS for the STEM extension using Form I-765,
            of a practical training program after completion of   Application for Employment Authorization.   A STEM
            their course of study. .  USCIS will issue the EAD with   student may change employers or work at a different
            authorization granted for a maximum period of six    hiring site for the same employer, but the new employer
            months of full-time practical training, depending on the   or new hiring site must be enrolled in and be in good
            length of the students’ full-time study.             standing with E-Verify before the student begins their
                                                                 STEM OPT with the new employer or hiring site.
            Dependents of F-1 and M-1 foreign students have an
            F-2 or M-2 status and are not eligible for employment   The EAD issued to the F-1 STEM OPT student states
            authorization.                                       “STU: STEM OPT ONLY.” The following documents
                                                                 establish a student’s identity and employment
            Optional Practical  Training (OPT) for F-1 Students—   authorization for Form I-9:
            EAD Required                                          •  Unexpired EAD or

            OPT provides practical training experience that directly   •  For certain instances where students have timely-
            relates to an F-1 student’s major area of study.  An F-1   filed Forms I-765 pending, an expired EAD
            student authorized for OPT may work up to 20 hours       presented with Form I-20 endorsed by the student’s
            per week while school is in session and full-time (20    designated school official recommending a STEM
            or more hours per week) when school is not in session.   extension.
            After completing their course of study, students also
            may participate in OPT for work experience. USCIS may   If the student presents an expired EAD and an endorsed
            authorize an F-1 student to have up to 12 months of OPT   Form I-20 recommending a STEM extension, the
            upon completion of their degree program. Certain F-1   employer should enter the following information under
            students may be eligible for an extension of their OPT, as
            described below.

            The designated school official must update Form I-20
            to indicate OPT recommendation or approval. OPT

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