Page 21 - Handbook for Employers - Guidance for Completing Form I-9
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3.    If an employee presents the arrival portion of   INA § 289 (and, if applicable, 8 CFR § 289.2), their
               Form I-94/Form I-94A Arrival Departure Record     tribal membership cards issued by a Canadian First
               containing an unexpired temporary I-551 stamp and   Nation, or INAC cards issued by the Government
               a photograph of the individual, this combination   of Canada, cannot, by themselves, establish work
               of documents is an acceptable List A receipt for the   authorization.
               Permanent Resident Card. The employee must present
               their Permanent Resident Card to the employer no   For E-Verify Employers:
               later than when the stamp expires, or one year after
               the issuance date of the Form I-94 if the stamp does   Section 403 of the E-Verify authorizing statute requires
               not contain an expiration date.                   that all List B documents must contain a photograph.
                                                                 This includes Native American tribal documents
            NOTE: If USCIS has approved the employee’s application   presented as a List B document. If the employee’s
            to adjust status to that of a lawful permanent resident, but   Native American tribal document does not contain
            the employee has not yet received their initial Permanent   a photograph, you should request the employee
            Resident Card, they can get temporary evidence of    provide a List B document with a photograph. The
            permanent resident status at a local USCIS field office.  Native American tribal document is acceptable as the
                                                                 employee’s List C document. Your employee may also
            Native Americans                                     choose to provide a List A document in place of a List B
                                                                 and List C document.
            A Native American tribal document establishes both
            identity and employment authorization on Form        Refugees and Asylees
            I-9. If an employee presents a Native American tribal
            document, you do not need any other documents from   Refugees and asylees are authorized to work because of
            the employee to complete Section 2. To be acceptable for   their immigration status. When completing Form I-9,
            Form I-9 purposes, a Native American tribal document   the refugee or asylee should indicate “alien authorized
            must be issued by a tribe recognized by the U.S. federal   to work” in Section 1 of Form I-9.   Since refugees and
            government. Members of federally recognized tribes   asylees are authorized to work indefinitely because of
            who are LPRs, aliens authorized to work, and noncitizen   their immigration status, a refugee or asylee should enter
            nationals may have a Native American tribal document   “N/A” on the expiration date line in Section 1.
            issued by such tribes. Because federal recognition of
            tribes can change over time, you may check the Bureau   Many refugees and asylees may choose to present an
            of Indian Affairs website at to determine if the   unexpired EAD (Employment Authorization Document,
            tribe is federally recognized.                       Form I-766). However, neither refugees nor asylees
                                                                 are required to present an EAD to meet Form I-9
            The following documents are not considered Native    requirements. They may present other acceptable
            American tribal documents for Form I-9 purposes and   documents for Form I-9, such as Form I-94/Form I-94A
            cannot be used for either List B or List C:          indicating refugee or asylee status. They may also present
             •  A tribal membership document issued by a Canadian   List B and List C combinations, such as a state-issued
               First Nation such as a Canadian Indian tribe, rather   driver’s license and an unrestricted Social Security card.
               than a U.S. Indian tribe, including a U.S. Indian
               tribe that grants membership and issues tribal    In addition, refugees and asylees may present an expired
               membership documents to Canadian nationals        EAD with Form I-797C Notice of Action from USCIS for
                                                                 Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization
             •  A Certificate of Indian Status (commonly referred to   if Form I-797C lists the same employment authorization
               as an “INAC card”) issued by Aboriginal Affairs and   category as the expired EAD.  This combination is
               Northern Development Canada (formerly known as    considered an unexpired employment authorization and
               Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, or “INAC”)
                                                                 identity document (List A) and is valid for up to 180
                                                                 days after the “card expires” date on the face of the EAD.
            While individuals who possess such documents might
            possibly qualify for employment authorization under

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