Page 21 - A Practical Guide to Chapter11 Bankruptcy Publication Notice
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Bar Date website, which combined, resulted in   •  89.3% of Men 55+ in the United States, an
 14,617 impressions and 2,673 clicks to the Bar   average of 3.5 times each
 Date website.
 •  89.0% of Adults 45+ in the United States, an
 The successful notice efforts for In re: Energy   average of 3.5 times each
 Future Holdings Corp. resulted in a combined   •  85.2% of Adults 18+ in the United States, an
 measurable reach, accounting for the national   average of 3.2 times each
 publications and national digital media only, of
 approximately:  These reach and average frequency of exposure
 results indicate that the notice campaign was highly
 •  89.5% of Men 65+ in the United States, an   successful and provided notice to the target audience.
 average of 3.3 times each

 Litigation Claims

 Similar to asbestos liability, litigation resulting   action notice program. This is due to the need
 from massive tort or contract liabilities takes a   to ensure that potential claimants are provided
 huge toll on a company. Handling the litigation is   adequate notice of their rights and how to
 complicated, financially draining and detrimental   participate in the settlement.
 in many other ways. Often times, companies   Notice efforts in environmental, mining and
 with no other recourse seek protection through   manufacturing related cases often require
 a bankruptcy filing. Often the litigation involves   notice that is geographically targeted to
 allegations of damage to property, personal   parties in the area surrounding the mine
 injury, death, latent disease, etc., and pertains   or manufacturing plant. This includes, but
 to a massive number of potential claimants and   is not limited to employees and property
 unknown future claimants – those whose injury   owners who suffered damages as a result of
 has not yet manifested as a result of the debtor’s   environmental toxins being released into the
 alleged activities. Similar to asbestos cases, the   environment. In the Chemtura bankruptcy, the
 concept of future claimants is a major issue in   company faced pending litigation regarding
 these cases. Some of the most notable categories   allegations of personal injury as a result of
 which are often carved out and settled as part   exposure in the workplace to synthetic diacetyl,
 of the bankruptcy reorganization process are   a butter flavoring ingredient. As a result, a
 environmental, mining, manufacturing and   more extensive bar date notice effort was
 product liability cases.
 implemented; with plain language notices
 To address such potential liability, payment trust   published in local newspapers, covering more
 funds and other settlement mechanisms are   than a hundred locations specifically targeting
 often created after extensive negotiations as a   where diacetyl was likely used or where there
 way to address the issues, manage resolution   was a cluster of related plaintiffs.  This notice
 and release the debtor from liability without   effort was deemed to be reasonably calculated
 leaving future creditors without a remedy. Like   to provide notice to unknown creditors and
 asbestos cases, these cases typically involve   withstood challenges by plaintiffs. 46
 more in-depth notice efforts, similar to a class

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