Page 12 - Your New Medical Plans with Centivo
P. 12

Medical Plan Comparison Chart

                                                                                                                                     MBA Centivo
                                                                                                                                           Plus                      MBA HSA High                                MBA HSA Low

                                                                                                                                    IN-NETWORK             IN-NETWORK          OUT-OF-NETWORK         IN-NETWORK           OUT-OF-NETWORK

                                                      Network                                                                       Centivo Network        Cigna PPO Network   N/A                    Cigna PPO Network    N/A
                                                      Activation / PCP selection required                                           Yes                    No                  No                     No                   No
                                                                                                                                    Yes (except for OB/GYN
                                                      PCP referrals to specialists required                                                                No                  No                     No                   No
                Plan features                                                                                                       and behavioral health)
                                                      Deductible (individual / family)                                              $500/$1,000            $3,000/$6,000       $6,000/$12,000         $4,000/$8,000        $8,000/$16,000

                                                      Out-of-Pocket Maximum (individual / family)                                   $5,000/$10,000         $6,900/$13,800      $13,800/$27,600        $6,900/$13,800       $13,800/$27,600
                                                      Employer HSA contribution (employee only / employee + 1 / family)             N/A                               $500/$750/$1,000                            $500/$750/$1,000
                Preventive care                       Preventive care (annual physical, immunizations, and screenings)*             FREE                   FREE                Deductible + 40% coins  FREE                Deductible + 50% coins
                                                                                                                                                           Deductible then:                           Deductible then:
                                                                                                                                                           • $30 copay for Tier 1/                    • $30 copay for Tier 1/
                                                      Office visit (primary care)*                                                  $10 copay                                  Deductible + 40% coins                      Deductible + 50% coins
                                                                                                                                                            Cigna Care Designated                      Cigna Care Designated
                                                                                                                                                           • $60 copay for Tier 2                     • $60 copay for Tier 2
                                                                                                                                                           Deductible then:                           Deductible then:
                Office visits                         Office visit (specialist)*                                                    $60 copay              • $60 copay for Tier 1/   Deductible + 40% coins  • $60 copay for Tier 1/   Deductible + 50% coins
                                                                                                                                                            Cigna Care Designated                      Cigna Care Designated
                                                                                                                                                           • $120 copay for Tier 2                    • $120 copay for Tier 2
                                                      Behavioral health - individual therapy (no referral required)                 $10 copay              Deductible + 20% coins Deductible + 40% coins  Deductible + 30% coins Deductible + 50% coins
                                                      Therapeutic services (physical, occupational, speech therapy)                 $60 copay              Deductible + 20% coins Deductible + 40% coins  Deductible + 30% coins Deductible + 50% coins
                                                      Lab work                                                                      Deductible + 20% coins  Deductible + 20% coins Deductible + 40% coins  Deductible + 30% coins Deductible + 50% coins
                Diagnostic procedures                 Basic imaging (such as X-rays)                                                Deductible + 20% coins  Deductible + 20% coins Deductible + 40% coins  Deductible + 30% coins Deductible + 50% coins
                                                      Advanced imaging (such as MRIs and PET scans)                                 Deductible + 20% coins  Deductible + 20% coins Deductible + 40% coins  Deductible + 30% coins Deductible + 50% coins
                                                      Surgeries - professional services (inpatient or outpatient) (includes services from   Deductible + 20% coins  Deductible + 20% coins Deductible + 40% coins  Deductible + 30% coins Deductible + 50% coins
                                                      all healthcare professionals such as surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses, etc.)

                Hospital and outpatient facilities    Surgeries - facility charges (inpatient  or outpatient)                       $500 copay, then       Deductible + 20% coins Deductible + 40% coins  Deductible + 30% coins Deductible + 50% coins
                                                                                                                                    deductible + 20% coins
                                                                                                                                    $500 copay, then
                                                      Hospital stays                                                                                       Deductible + 20% coins Deductible + 40% coins    Deductible + 30% coins Deductible + 50% coins
                                                                                                                                    deductible + 20% coins
                                                                                                                                                           Deductible then:                           Deductible then:
                                                                                                                                                           • $30 copay for Tier 1/                    • $30 copay for Tier 1/
                                                      Office visits                                                                 $10 copay                                  Deductible + 40% coins                      Deductible + 50% coins
                                                                                                                                                            Cigna Care Designated                      Cigna Care Designated
                                                                                                                                                           • $60 copay for Tier 2                     • $60 copay for Tier 2
                Pregnancy expenses
                                                      Childbirth/delivery professional services                                     Deductible + 20% coins  Deductible + 20% coins Deductible + 40% coins  Deductible + 30% coins Deductible + 50% coins
                                                                                                                                    $500 copay, then
                                                      Childbirth/delivery facility services                                                                Deductible + 20% coins Deductible + 40% coins  Deductible + 30% coins Deductible + 50% coins
                                                                                                                                    deductible + 20% coins
                                                      Urgent care visits (no referral required)                                     $500 copay**           Deductible + 20% coins Deductible + 40% coins  Deductible + 30% coins Deductible + 50% coins
                Emergency care                        Emergency room                                                                $500 copay             Deductible + 20% coins Deductible + 20% coins  Deductible + 30% coins Deductible + 30% coins
                                                      Ambulance                                                                     Deductible + 20% coins  Deductible + 20% coins*** Deductible + 20% coins***  Deductible + 30% coins*** Deductible + 30% coins***

               Defining                        Deductible                      Out-of-pocket maximum                               Copay                               Coinsurance                                    * If you have any lab work, testing,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      or procedures done during your visit,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      additional costs may apply.
               key terms:                      A deductible is the             To protect you in the event of significant          A copay is a fixed dollar           After you meet your deductible for the year,   ** If you are traveling outside of
                                                                               medical expenses, all three plan options offer an
                                                                                                                                                                       you will be responsible for a certain percentage
                                                                                                                                   amount that you will pay
                                               portion you must pay
                                               out-of-pocket before            annual out-of-pocket maximum (including the         for a healthcare service            of the costs. This is known as coinsurance. For   your network area, you have up to 3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      covered urgent care visits per year.
                                               the plan pays for your          deductible and any copays or coinsurance paid).     or visit.                           example, if the coinsurance amount is 30%, that   *** There will be a higher coinsurance
                                               healthcare expenses.            This is the most you will pay for any covered                                           means you will owe 30% of the cost after you   applied for non-emergency
                                                                               healthcare expenses during the plan year.                                               have reached your deductible.                  ambulance utilization.
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