Page 2 - Fitbodies meal planner ebook
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Introduction builds its foundation on an all-round healthy lifestyle, feeding your mind, body and spirit.
Improving these components of your life, can be achieved by following a healthy, nutritious and balanced
meal plan.
Before getting started, embed these ground rules into your conscious mind and lifestyle. The journey
you’re about to embark on, demands commitment, conscious decisions and passion. Reset your mind to
embrace this positive change, and remember, this is a prosperous beginning of the rest of your life.
These three foundations are the cornerstones of healthy living.
DRINK YOUR WATER- Our bodies consist of 78% water and it needs to be replenished every day. You
lose water through simple actions like breathing. Dehydration is an ailment many suffer from without
their knowledge, causing irritations like headaches and muscle cramps. Flushing out toxins and waste
material is key to not only a healthier body, but also a healthier mind. Drinking your water is and will
always be essential to life.
Flavour your water with mint, lemon, herbal tea or ginger, enjoyed cold or lukewarm. Your water
should ideally replace 80% of your daily liquid intake.
SLEEP – sleeping is essential to physical and mental wellbeing. Enjoy at least seven to eight hours of
sleep and ensure that it is quality sleep. Your body is unable to carry out essential cellular repairs without
sufficient sleep, which counteracts weight-loss and emotional stability.
EATING - eating a healthy, balanced diet is crucial to physical health, which has dramatic effects on all
other areas of your life, including your emotional wellbeing, confidence levels, and spiritual connectivity.
Allocate time for the correct food preparation and take pride in your presentation. Make it a family
gathering, or alone time to reflect on your daily achievements and goals. Think about what
you’re eating, how you’re eating and stay conscious of your body’s signals that
tells you it’s filled.