Page 16 - E-Module English Lesson Putu Widia Antari Dewi 2012021046 5D Procedure Text
P. 16
Simple Present Tense
Let’s watch the video about Simple Present Tense below:
One of the language features used in “Procedure Text” is using simple present tense. The simple
present tense is when you use a verb to tell about things that happen continually in the present,
like every day, every week, or every month. We use the simple present tense for anything that
happens often or is factual.
The Form of Simple Present Tense:
Positive (+)
1. Subject + to be (is, are, am) + ad
Example: I am a doctor
2. Subject + verb 1 (es/s) + ad
Example: she goes to school everyday
11 | E - M o d u l e P r o c e d u r e T e x t