Page 12 - E-Module English Lesson Putu Widia Antari Dewi 2012021046 5D Procedure Text
P. 12

Do you know the

                                                  Generic Structure of

                                                    Procedure Text?

                                          1.  Goal/Aim: This text contains about purpose of
                                                   making or operating of something.
                                            2.  Materials/Equipment: Materials consist of
                                             ingredients that are used in making something.
                                               But not all parts of procedure text includes
                                             materials, sometimes a procedure text does not
                                                         have materials section.
                                         3.  Steps/Methods: Contains the steps or sequences
                                            that must be done so that the objectives outlined
                                                 in the aim/goal to be achieved. Steps or
                                             sequences must be a sequence from the first to
           Sumber:                                    the last.

               Language Feature of Procedure Text

                   1.  Use adverbial of sequence /using temporal conjunction (For example: first,

                       second, third, the last).

                   2.  Use command / imperative sentence (For example: put the noodles on the

                       …., cut the onion …, wash the tomatoes ….,).

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