Page 10 - E-Module English Lesson Putu Widia Antari Dewi 2012021046 5D Procedure Text
P. 10

1.Have you ever make or use something in your

                              daily life?

                           2.What did you make and what did you use at
                              that time?

                          3.Can you explain the steps how to make and

                              use that things sequentially?

     Procedure Text is a text that explains or helps us how to make

     or use something.     Procedure Text is a text that is designed to

     describe  how  something  is  achieved  through  a  sequence  of

     actions  or  steps.    It  explains  how  people  perform  different

     processes in a sequence of steps. This text uses simple present

     tense,  often  imperative  sentences.  It  also  uses  the  temporal

     conjunction  such  as  first,  second,  then,  next,  finally,  etc.  Its
     social function is to describe how something is completely done

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