Page 6 - E-Module English Lesson Putu Widia Antari Dewi 2012021046 5D Procedure Text
P. 6

Chapter 1

                     Title Description

                   Welcome to English Module!

                   In this module will be discussed on the topic "Procedure Text”. Usually if you want to make

               or use something, you will do it using a step  and need to know the material and ingredient first.
               That’s called a Procedure Text. Usually in this procedural text everything that we will do and

               will use must be explained in sequential and clear steps. In using this procedure text, we usually
               use a Sequencer a lot. Sequencer is a word that manages our explanations and sentences when

               we speak or write in English. When we explain  something, when discussing or explaining an
               incident, of course we will need words like "first, second, next, next, then" and many others.

                   After learn this topic, students are expected to be able to explain how to make something and

               also using something that related to their daily life. For example the student can explain how to
               make a food (Fried Noodle) in sequentially steps. And the other example is the students can be

               able to explain how to use something (how to use vacuum cleaner).


                       In the previous material about Descriptive text related to the definition, social function,

               generic  structure,  language  features  and  linguistic  elements  of  oral  and  written  interpersonal
               interaction  of  decriptive  text  have  been  presented  that  involve  the  acts  of  procedure  text.

               Procedure text  is  another  example  of  text.  In this  module  also there  were  some  example  and

               practice about this material. From this module, hopely the readers can get some knowledge and
               can make your own procedure text of how to make and use something.

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