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   of the vertebrae in some gekkonoid lizards, Journal of          Aviv University, with range extensions, Herpetological
   Morphology, 133: 41–92.                                         Review, 14: 29–31.
1533. Werner, Y.L., 1971. Lizards and snakes from Transjordan,  1547. Werner, Y.L., 1985a. Defensive behaviour in a boigine
   recently acquired by the British Museum (Natural History),      snake: first record of throat inflation in Psammophis, Israel
   Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoology       Journal of Zoology, 33: 69–71.
   Series, 21: 213–256.                                         1548a. Werner, Y.L., 1985b. Life history notes: Atractaspis
1534. Werner, Y.L., 1972. Observations on eggs of eublepharid      engaddensis (‘En Gedi Mole Viper’). Ophiophagy,
   lizards, with comments on the evolution of the Gekkonoidea,     Herpetological Review, 16: 54.
   Zoologische Mededelingen, 47: 211–224.                       1548b. Werner, Y.L., 1985c. Spur-thighed tortoise (Testudo
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1536. Werner, Y.L., 1972. The ontogenetic development           1549. Werner, Y.L., 1985d. Similarities of the colubrid snakes
   of the vertebrae in some gekkonoid lizards, Journal of          Spalerosophis and Pythonodipsas to vipers: an additional
   Morphology, 133: 41–92.                                         hypothesis, Copeia, 1985: 266–268.
1537. Werner, Y.L., 1972. Temperature effects on inner-ear      1550. Werner, Y.L., 1986a. Ecology of eggs and laying sites of
   sensitivity in six species of iguanid lizards, Journal of       Ptyodactylus geckos, E. Roček (Ed.), Studies in herpetology
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   Introductory notes for students in the course “Introduction  1551. Werner, Y.L., 1986b. Evolutionary implications of
   to the Fauna (Fishes, Amphibians and Reptiles)”, Israel:        occasional (non mimetic) behavioural triangulation of
   Department of Zoology, The Hebrew University of                 the head in snakes (Coluber rhodorhachis and Malpolon
   Jerusalem (in Hebrew with English abstract and key to           monspessulanus), The Snake, 18: 37–41.
   Eremias: maps with scientific names).                        1552. Werner, Y.L., 1986c. Geographic sympatry of
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   performance in gekkonoid lizards, Journal of Experimental       Levant, Zoology in the Middle East, 1: 92–95.
   Zoology, 195: 319–352.                                       1553. Werner, Y.L., 1987. Behavioural mimicry among snakes
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   an efficient method, Journal of Biogeography, 4: 51–53.         p. E11).
1541. Werner, Y.L., 1978. Ecological comments on some           1554. Werner, Y.L., 1987. Gekkonid lizards from five
   gekkonid lizards of the Namib Desert, South West Africa,        zoogeographic quarters meet in Israel, Bulletin of the
   Madoqua, 10: 157–169.                                           Philadelphia Herpetological Society, 31: 20–33.
1542. Werner, Y.L., 1980. Apparent homosexual behaviour         1555a. Werner, Y.L., 1987. Ecological zoogeography of the
   in an all-female population of a lizard, Lepidodactylus         Saharo-Arabian, Saharan and Arabian reptiles in the desert
   lugubris, and its probable interpretation, Zeitschrift für      sands of Israel, F. Krupp, W. Schneider & R. Kinzelbach
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1543. Werner, Y.L., 1982a. Haas G. 1905–1981, Copeia, 31:          zoogeography of the Middle East, Mainz (Tuebingen Atlas
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1544. Werner, Y.L., 1982b. Herpetofaunal survey of the Sinai       Verlag: 272–295.
   Peninsula (1967–1977), with emphasis on the Saharan          1555b. Werner Y.L., 1987. Herpetofauna and herpetology in
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   communities: a symposium of the Society for the Study of     1556. Werner, Y.L., 1988. Herpetofaunal survey of Israel
   Amphibians and Reptiles and the Herpetologists’ League,         (1950–1985), with comments on Sinai and Jordan and on
   August 1977, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Wildlife           zoogeographical heterogeneity, Y. Yom-Tov & E. Tchernov
   Research Report, 13: 153–161.                                   (Eds.), The zoogeography of Israel, Dordrecht, Netherlands:
1545. Werner, Y.L., 1983a. Behavioral triangulation of the         Dr. W. Junk Publishers: 355–388.
   head in three boigine snakes: possible cases of mimicry,     1557. Werner, Y.L., 1988. Snakes die to prove manhood of
   Israel Journal of Zoology, 32: 205–228.                         commando girls, British Herpetological Society Bulletin,
1546a. Werner, Y.L., 1983b. Temperature effects on cochlear        24: 34–35.
   function in reptiles: a personal review incorporating new    1558. Werner, Y.L., 1989. Egg size and egg shape in Near-
   data, R.R. Fay & G. Gourevitch (Eds.), Hearing and other        Eastern gekkonid lizards, Israel Journal of Zoology, 35:
   senses: Presentations in honor of E.G. Wever, Groton,           199–213.
   Connecticut: Amphora Press: 149–174.                         1559. Werner, Y.L., 1990a. Ecological biogeography of reptiles
1546b, Werner, Y.L., 1983. Lizards and snakes from eastern         in the sand deserts of Israel, Hardun, 5: 33–55 (in Hebrew
   Lower Egypt in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem & Tel         with English abstract p. 81).
                                                                1560. Werner, Y.L., 1990b. Do gravid females of oviparous

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