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      occidentalis from sea level and altitude, Herpetologica,      1514. Werner, Y.L., 1952. Reptilien uit Israel: Over enige
      28: 172–175.                                                     Acanthodactylusoorten, Lacerta, 10: 58–59.
   1497. Webb, G.J.W., Johnson, C.R. & Firth, B.T., 1972. Head-
      body temperature differences in lizards, Physiological        1515. Werner, Y.L., 1956. Chromosome numbers of some male
      Zoology, 45: 130–142.                                            geckos (Reptilia: Gekkonidae), Bulletin of the Research
   1498. Webb, J.K., Shine, R., Branch, W.R. & Harlow, P.S.,           Council of Israel, 5B: 319.
      2000. Life history strategies in basal snakes: reproduction
      and dietary habits of the African threadsnake, Leptotyphlops  1516. Werner, Y.L., 1959. Chromosomes of primitive snakes
      scutifrons (Serpentes, Leptotyphlopidae), Journal of             from Israel, Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel,
      Zoology, 250: 321–327.                                           8B: 197–198.
   1499. Weber, N.A., 1960. Some Iraq amphibians and reptiles
      with notes on their food and habits, Copeia, 1960: 153–154.   1517. Werner, Y.L., 1961. The vertebral column of the geckos
   1500. Wei, G.D. & Ji, X., 2008. The effects of incubation           (Gekkonoidea) with special consideration of the tail,
      temperature on hatching success, embryonic use of energy         Unpublished PhD Dissertation, The Hebrew University
      and hatchling morphology in the stripe-tailed ratsnake           of Jerusalem, Jerusalem (in Hebrew and English).
      Elaphe taeniura, Asiatic Herpetological Research, 11:
      24–30.                                                        1518. Werner, Y.L., 1964. Intraspecific and temperature-
   1501. Weishampel, D.B., Dodson, P. & Osmólska, H. (Eds.),           correlated variations of vertebral numbers in some Near-
      2004. The Dinosauria, Edn. 2, Berkeley: University of            East geckos (Reptilia: Gekkonidae), Israel Journal of
      California Press.                                                Zoology, 13: 131–133.
   1502. Wermuth, H., 1965. Liste der rezemten Amphibien
      und Reptilien: Gekkonidae, Pygopodidae, Xantusiidae,          1519. Werner, Y.L., 1965a. The comparative caudal osteology
      Das Tierreich, Lfg. 80, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co.          of some gekkonid lizards from Israel, Israel Journal of
   1503. Wermuth, H., 1967. Liste der rezenten Amphibien und           Zoology, 14: 286–301.
      Reptilien: Agamidae, Das Tierreich, Lfg. 65, Berlin: Walter
      de Gruyter & Co.                                              1520. Werner, Y.L., 1965b. Über die israelischen Geckos der
   1504. Wermuth, H. & Mertens, R., 1961. Schildkroten,                Gattung Ptyodactylus und ihre Biologie, Salamandra, 1:
      Krokodile, Bruckenechsen, Jena, Germany: Gustav Fischer          15–25.
      (reprinted in 1996 with an addendum by F.J. Obst).
   1505. Wermuth, H. & Mertens, R., 1996. Schildkröten,             1521. Werner, Y.L., 1966. Cyrtodactylus kotschyi orientalis
      Krokodile, Brückenechsen, Jena, Germany: Gustav Fischer          in Israel, Lacerta, 24: 94–96.
      (reprint of the 1961 edition with an addendum by F.J. Obst).
   1506. Werner, D., 1972. Beobachtungen an Ptyodactylus            1522. Werner, Y.L., 1967a. Dark adaptation of vertical pupil
      hasselquistii guttatus (Geckonidae), Verhadlungen der            in a snake, Herpetologica, 23: 62–63.
      Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Basel, 82: 54–87.
   1507. Werner, F., 1893. Bemerkungen über Reptilien und           1523. Werner, Y.L., 1967b. Regeneration of specialized
      Batrachier aus dem tropischen Asien und von der Sinai-           scales in tails of Teratoscincus (Reptilia: Gekkonidae),
      Halbinsel, Abhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botananischen             Senckenbergiana Biologica, 48: 117–124.
      Gesellschaft Wien, 43: 349–359.
   1508. Werner, F., 1898. Reptilien aus Syrien und Südafrika       1524. Werner, Y.L., 1967c. Regeneration of the caudal axial
      (Jahrbuch des naturwissenschaftlischen Vereins zu                skeleton in a gekkonid lizard (Hemidactylus) with particular
      Magdeburg für 1896–1897), Magdeburg: Faber.                      reference to the “latent” period, Acta Zoologica, 48: 103–
   1509. Werner, F., 1929. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Fauba von        125.
      Syrien und Persien, Zoologischer Anzeiger, 81: 238–245.
   1510. Werner, F., 1938. Eine verkannte Viper (Vipera             1525. Werner, Y.L., 1968a. Distribution of the Saharan
      palaestinae n.sp.), Zoologischer Anzeiger, 122: 313–318.         Sphenops sepsoides (Reptilia: Scincidae) in Israel and
   1511. Werner, F., 1939. Die Amphibien und Reptilien                 Jordan, Herpetologica, 24: 238–242.
      von Syrien, Abhandlungen und Berichte aus dem
      Museum für Naturkunde und Vorgeschichte und dem               1526. Werner, Y.L., 1968b. Eye size in geckos of
      Naturwissenschaftlichen Verein in Magdeburg, 7: 211–223.         various ecological types (Reptilia: Gekkonidae and
   1512. Werner, W. & Werner, Y.L., 1990. Book review: Fauna of        Sphaerodactylidae), Israel Journal of Zoology, 18: 291–316.
      Saudi Arabia, Vol. 9, Israel Journal of Zoology, 37: 55–62.
   1513. Werner, Y.L., 1949. Terrariumdieren in Israel lII (Het     1527. Werner, Y.L., 1968c. Regeneration frequencies in geckos
      gewone Kameleon), Lacerta, 7: 97–98.                             of two ecological types (Reptilia Gekkonidae), Vie et Milieu,
                                                                       Ser. C, 19: 199–221.

                                                                    1528. Werner, Y.L., 1968d. Distribution of the Saharan
                                                                       Sphenops sepsoides (Reptilia: Scincidae) in Israel and
                                                                       Jordan, Herpetologica, 24: 238–242.

                                                                    1529. Werner, Y.L., 1969. Eye size in geckos of various ecological
                                                                       types (Reptilia: Gekkonidae and Sphaerodactylidae), Israel
                                                                       Journal of Zoology, 18: 291–316.

                                                                    1530. Werner, Y.L., 1970. Extreme adaptability to light, in the
                                                                       round pupil of the snake Spalerosophis, Vision Research,
                                                                       10: 1159–1164.

                                                                    1531. Werner, Y.L., 1971. Some suggestions on the standard
                                                                       expression of measurements, Systematic Zoology, 20:

                                                                    1532. Werner, Y.L., 1971. The ontogenetic development

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