Page 282 - Knack Knots You Need
P. 282
simpLe sneLL
A simple variation of snelling, used primarily
in saltwater fishing.
Snelling is most often thought of as a method of tying a hook—and often is, as long as the hook has an eye.
heavy line to a large hook, and it is popular with anglers Snelling creates a strong connection between the line
who seek large saltwater species such as tuna, marlin, and the shank of the hook—instead of tying the line di-
salmon, and dolphin. It can, however, be used on any size rectly to the eye—and therefore reduces the strength of
Simple Snell: Step 1 Simple Snell: Step 2
Knots You need: FisHing Knots
Thread the line through the eye of the hook Loop the line back along the shank, and hold
and lay it along the shank of the hook. the loop against the shank.
Be sure to pull enough line through the eye
to make four or five wraps around the shank.