Page 316 - Knack Knots You Need
P. 316
The angler’s loop was used as Loops
a girth hitch (see page 98). But the way shown below far back as the seventeenth
works in all circumstances. The knot can be used in rope ZOOM century, tied in lines of gut,
or cord when a fixed loop is needed, making it useful to horsehair, and silk. It is useful
campers and boaters. when tied in modern lines, and
even holds in bungee cord.
Angler’s (Perfection) Loop: Step 3 Angler’s (Perfection) Loop: Step 4
Take the working end around the standing Tighten by pulling on the loop and the stand-
part and back through the overhand, as shown ing part. Trim off the tag end.
in the photograph.