Page 318 - Knack Knots You Need
P. 318

tromBone Loop

 An alternative fixed loop for fishing line.

 In lines—or conditions, such as cold temperatures—that   easier alternative. It tends to stay fixed in the mind once
 prove to be a problem when tying other fixed loops, or   learned.
 when more complicated loops have simply been forgot-      Due to the abrupt angle created by the final tuck, how-
 ten, the trombone loop, tied in a bight, is a simple and   ever,  this  knot  does  weaken  the  line  more  than  other

 Trombone Loop: Step 1  Trombone Loop: Step 2

 Knots You need: FisHing Knots

 Create a bight in the line, then form a doubled   Wrap  the  bight  around  the  doubled  loop,
 loop, as shown in the photograph.  moving back toward the end of the doubled

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