Page 357 - Knack Knots You Need
P. 357
CroWn Knot
Forms two single loops at right angles to the
This crown knot is actually a modification of a true crown shorten the lanyard. (In this case, you adjust the size of
knot. It utilizes a single strand to create two single loops the loops during tying to shorten the lanyard the desired
that sit at right angles to the center of the knot when the amount.) It is sometimes tied around another cord or
knot is drawn tight. As a lanyard knot, it can be used to piece of twine to decorate a package.
decorate the lanyard or, more practically, to decoratively This knot tends to slip apart if care is not taken to
Crown Knot: Step 1 Crown Knot: Step 2
Knots You need: deCorative Knots
Arrange the cord as shown in the photograph. Bring the end indicated in the photograph
(that had previously been on the right side)
back across the arrangement.