Page 361 - Knack Knots You Need
P. 361
tWo-strand mattHeW WaLKer
A decorative knot that attaches two cords to each other.
The two-strand Matthew Walker is the simplest of lanyard
knots involving two different cords. It can be used as a
stopper or to decoratively end two parallel cords. It is also the tension in both cords must be matched
used as a divider between braids in more complex deco-
rative knot work. exactly or else a space will be created between
the two cords, ruining the symmetry.
Two-Strand Matthew Walker Knot: Step 1 Two-Strand Matthew Walker Knot: Step 2
Knots You need: deCorative Knots
Hold the two cords parallel to each other with Take the working ends, one at a time, around
the ends forming two opposing bights, as both cords, through the opposite bight, and
shown in the photograph. out the top of the bight to form two inter-
locked overhand knots (see page 18). Tighten
slowly and carefully.
This knot can be used by campers and boaters.