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Real Life Parenting Skills: Parenting Basics Video Library DVD
Complete Program With DVDs DVD #8872 These 24 videos focus on parenting babies from birth
#7045 This 3-part multimedia program helps addicted to 12 months. Focusing on health literacy and featuring real
parents restore their relationship with families, these programs show young parents
their children. Complete program in- how to make healthy choices for themselves
cludes 3 DVDs: Building Trust, Han- and their children. Individual titles examine six
dling Anger, and Setting Rules and subjects for four age groups (6 videos for each
Limits; 90 pamphlets; 90 workbooks; age group): Birth to 6 Months; 7-12 Months;
a 40-page facilitator’s guide for 30 1-Year-Olds; 2-Year Olds. Subjects include:
participants. SPECIALS: All 3 DVDs y Nutrition y Play and Milestones
for $239.85 ($79.95 each); com- y Health and Safety y Self Care for Moms
plete program for $1,122.75. y Emotional Health and y Fatherhood
Positive Discipline
Active Parenting Video Library Suitable for ages 13 to adults. Viewing time: 10-12 min-
(4th Edition) DVD utes per video. Available in English or Spanish. $99.95
#8028 Designed for parents of for each video: SPECIAL: $1,999.00 for all 24 videos.
children ages 5 to 12, this set of 6
stand-alone videos provides par- Perfect Parenting for Military Families DVD
ents with the skills they need to #331 Two terrific video programs provide sound advice
meet the challenges of parenting on developing effective parenting skills. 45-51 minutes
in today’s turbulent society: each. SPECIAL: Both for $259.00.
y The Active Parent • Children of Military Families: Several children share
y Cooperation & Communication their personal stories of what it is like to have a parent
y Responsibility & Discipline in the military serving overseas. Learn what deployment
y Building Courage & Self-Esteem means to them, the struggles they have faced, and how
y Understanding and Redirecting Misbehavior they have gotten through challenging times. $169.95
y Active Parenting for School Success • Solutions to Ten Common Parenting Problems: Pro-
25 to 35 minutes each. Available in English or Spanish vides solutions to many problems commonly experienced
(please specify). Can purchase separately for $79.95 by parents of young children. Shows how to deal with spe-
each. SPECIAL: Complete set of 6 videos, plus a Par- cific problems: temper tantrums; bed-wetting; misbehav-
ent’s Guide ($14.95), for $413.95. ior at mealtime and bedtime; and sibling rivalry. Answers
commonly asked questions. $89.95
Warriors, Combat, and Killing
On Combat: The Psychology Once a Warrior,
and Physiology of Deadly Always a Warrior:
Conflict in War and in Peace Navigating the Transition
Lt. Col. Dave Grossman from Combat to Home
and Loren W. Christensen Col. Charles W. Hoge, MD
#8478 Looks at what happens to
the human body under the stresses #7970 Helps family members and
of deadly battle -- the impact on the veterans cope with combat stress
nervous system, heart, breathing, vi- and PTSD with a set of specific skills:
sual and auditory perception, memory -- then discuss- life survival, managing stress, monitoring feelings and
es new research findings as to what measures warriors emotions, and navigating the mental health-care sys-
can take to prevent such debilitations so they can stay tem. Includes a section on loss and coping strategies for
family members. 328 pages. 2010. $18.95. SPECIALS:
in the fight, survive, and win. Presents new and exciting
research as to how to train the mind to become inocu- 10 copies for $173.95; 100 copies for $1,529.00.
lated to stress, fear, and even pain. Explores what really
happens to the warrior after the battle, and shows how Soldiers of Conscience (DVD) DVD
emotions, such as relief and self-blame, are natural and
healthy ways to feel about having survived combat. In- #7833 This award-winning (5 best
cludes a fresh and highly informative look at post-trau- documentary awards at film festivals)
matic stress syndrome (PTSD); details how to prevent program examines war, peace, and
it and how to survive it. 2008. $24.95. SPECIALS: 10 the power of the human conscience.
copies for $225.95; 100 copies for $1,999.00. Eight Iraq War soldiers face the most
difficult moral decision of their lives:
The Good Soldier (DVD) DVD to kill of not to kill. All are torn be-
#7877 “War is about one thing only: it’s about tween the demands of duty and the
killing.” This film examines how soldiers call of conscience. Four of the soldiers
decide not to kill; the other four be-
grapple simultaneously with their duty and
their own humanity as it tracks the perilous lieve in their duty to kill if necessary.
Used at West Point to help students learn how to talk
psychological journeys of four decorated
combat veterans of World War II, the Vietnam War, and the about the moral questions of war and violence. 86 min-
utes. 2008. $149.00
Iraq War. Includes a combination of frank interviews and
battlefield footage. 54 minutes. 2009. $169.95
orders 800.361.1055 | online ordering 19