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Managing Teen Anger                     Anger Management for Everyone:
      and Violence:                           Seven Proven Ways to Control Anger
      A Pathway to Peace Program              and Live a Happier Life (2nd Edition)
      William Fleeman                         Raymond Chip Tafrate, Ph.D,
      #6271 Filled with personal stories and   and Howard Kassinove, PhD, ABPP
      vignettes, the book helps teens iden-   #9257 Presents a comprehensive
      tify anger as a problem, recognize      anger management program for
      how they use anger like a drug, find    anyone interested in controlling
      non-violent ways to experience personal power, learn to   their anger. Is your anger making
      change abusive and violent behavior, focus on values   others uncomfortable and creat-
      and goals that support a non-violent lifestyle, identify   ing distance in your relationships?
      and change attitudes and beliefs that keep them stuck,   Is it disrupting your ability to think
                                              clearly and make good decisions?
      avoid relapse into violent behavior, and develop a a   Is it resulting in behaviors that you later regret or re-
      mission statement for a non-violent lifestyle. 230 pages.   call with embarrassment? Shows how to cope with
      2008. ISBN: 978-1-57023-276-3. $19.95. SPECIALS: 10   life’s adversity, unfairness, and disappointment, so you
      copies for $159.95; 100 copies for $997.50.  can successfully put anger in its proper place and live a
                                              vital, happy, and upbeat life. 272 pages. 2019. $17.95.
            #106 ANGER AND CONFLICT IN THE WORKPLACE.   SPECIALS: 10 copies for $163.95; 100 copies for
            This bestselling guide identifies the hidden signs of an-  $1,439.95.
            ger and conflict, as well as outlines key skills for creating
            a more productive workplace. Reveals eight types of
            anger found in many workplaces. Examines each type   #8906 ANGER WORKBOOK. Les Carter, Ph.D., and
                                                    Frank Minirth, M.D. Offers a unique 13-step interactive
            in reference to seven skills both managers and em-
     ployees need in order to manage anger and conflict. 166 pages.   program that will: (1) help you identify the best ways
                                                    to handle anger; (2) understand how pride, fear, lone-
     2000. ISBN 978-1570231384.  $15.95.  SPECIALS: 10 copies for
     $127.60; 100 copies for $797.00.               liness, and inferiority feed your anger; (3) uncover and
                                             eliminate the myths that perpetuate anger; (4) identify learned pat-
     #8697 ANGER MANAGEMENT FOR DUMMIES (2nd Ed).  terns of relating, thinking, and behaving in your life that influence
     W. Doyle Gentry, Ph.D. Outlines specific anger management  your anger. 256 pages. 2012. $16.99. SPECIALS: 10 copies for
     methods, skills, and exercises that help identify the sources of  $153.95; 100 copies for $1,359.95.
     anger. Includes how to defuse your anger before it strikes; ex-
     press feelings calmly; respond rather than react; prevent anger   #5986 STOP THE ANGER NOW. Ronald Potter-Efron.
     incidents in the future; release healthy anger in a healthy way;   Through an engaging combination of incisive ques-
     use anger constructively; and get beyond old anger through for-  tions, realistic scenarios, and interactive strategies,
     giveness. Covers road rage, air rage, office rage, and dealing with   this workbook helps people gain an awareness of
     angry children. 384 pages. 2015. $22.99. SPECIALS: 10 copies   angry thoughts, feelings, and actions. Includes 36
     for $209.00; 100 copies for $1,899.00.          exercises relating to triggers, avoiding dangerous
                                             situations, diffusing anger, and redirecting rage. Includes relax-
            #2998  BEYOND ANGER: A Guide for Men. Thomas   ation techniques and tips on resolving underlying frustrations.
            J. Harbin. Men are more violent and less willing to deal   160 pages. 2001. $21.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $199.95;
            with emotions than women. Using simple exercises,   100 copies for $1,789.95.
            this book shows angry men how to control violent feel-
            ings as well as develop new habits to prevent anger.   #3216  ANGRY ALL THE TIME: An Emergency
            240 pages. 2018. $16.99. SPECIALS: 10 copies for   Guide to Anger Control (2nd Edition). Ronald T.
     $159.00; 100 copies for $1,495.00.             Potter-Efron, MSW, Ph.D. Very angry people live in a
                                                    trap. They say things they don’t mean, hurt people
            #5985  ANGER  CONTROL WORKBOOK.  Matthew   they love, and even begin to hate themselves. This
            McKay and Peter D. Rogers. Offers a new and radically sim-  book, which has helped thousands of people over-
            plified approach to anger control. Step-by-step exercises  come problem anger, moves readers along the shortest path to
            help readers identify, understand, respond to, and ulti-  recovery. It helps them explore the causes of their anger and
            mately cope with their hostile feelings. Reveals import-  then reveals powerful, step-by-step strategies to control their
     ant relaxation techniques. 50 worksheets. 208 pages. 2000. $22.95.  behavior. 168 pages. 2005. $17.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for
     SPECIALS: 10 copies for $207.50; 100 copies for $1,856.00.  $163.95; 100 copies for $1,459.95.

     C.A.G.E. the Rage      DVD              Handling Anger and Frustration      DVD
     #383 Calm down, Assess the situation,           #8181  Examines extreme anger. Presents
     Gauge alternatives, and Empower your-           methods for loosening the grip that all-con-
     self – that’s the way to safely C.A.G.E. the    suming rage can have on one’s mind and
     rage! Viewers see how to identify anger in themselves;   actions.  Viewers learn basic psychological
     understand why mismanaged anger is so destructive;   concepts to confront and remove obstacles,
     discover how anger gets repressed; and release anger  a primal instinct that all too easily translates into “lashing
     and express emotions in a positive way using the C.A.G.E.  out.” Highlights steps for dealing rationally with anger
     method. Includes scenarios of unhealthy and healthy be-  sources, focusing on staying “centered” rather than “get-
     haviors and candid interviews. 23 minutes. 2007. $99.95  ting even.” 30 minutes. 2011. $99.95

     Changing Men: Unlearning the Behaviors of Domestic Violence      DVD
     #6895  Andrew, Adam, and Alex are members of a community-based behavior change
     group in Australia called Heavy M.E.T.A.L.: Men’s Education Toward Anger and Life. This
     program tracks the progress of these men - three husbands and fathers with dangerous
     antisocial behavioral issues - as they struggle to stop committing emotional and physical violence against those who
     love them the most. How did they become the way they are? And will their committed participation in group therapy
     sessions enable them to salvage their marriages? 47 minutes. 2008. $169.95 (DVD or Streaming Video).

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