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Wounded Warrior Drugs and the Brain Series
Handbook: #6494 Reveals the effects of stimulants, painkillers,
A Resource Guide tobacco and alcohol, cannabis, and hallucinogens on
for Returning Veterans the brain based on the latest research and computer
(2nd Edition) graphics. Reveals the elaborate and frequently danger-
ous ways in which various drugs alter brain chemistry.
Janelle Hill, Cheryl Lawhorne, 51 minutes per DVD. Can purchase separately. $169.95
and Don Philpott each. SPECIAL: All 5 DVDs for $819.95.
#8511 Bureaucracy can com-
plicate lives of wounded war- y Stimulants: The Mechanics of Pleasure
y Painkillers: Numbing the Mind
riors. The typical soldier must
complete 22 forms after an active-duty injury. Figuring y Legal Drugs: Still Addictive, Still Deadly
y Cannabis: Satanic Herb or Healing Potion?
out what to do next can be overwhelming. This guide
offers answers for the most pressing and difficult ques- y Designer Drugs: Uncertain Borders
tions wounded veterans face, such as: Where can I find
information on symptoms and treatments of injuries?
How do I get through all this paperwork? Where can
I get legal assistance? What can I do for employment?
How can I return to active duty? How do I deal with
insurance? What benefits are available to me, and how
do I claim them? 472 pages. 2015. $49.95. SPECIALS:
10 copies for $479.95; 100 copies for $4,589.00.
Bestselling DVDs
Mastering and Using Emotional Intelligence
in a Multi-Generational Workplace DVD
#9351 Today’s workforce is unlike any we’ve ever seen or experienced. It’s made up of
a diverse mix of individuals drawn from different backgrounds, cultures, skills, interests,
personalities, education, and emotions. In fact, it’s not unusual to find five different gen-
erations of employees working together. Anger, conflict, stress, and addiction issues
abound, reflecting many disconnects and dysfunctions of the larger society. Two new
DVDs (2016) address many of the key issues affecting today’s turbulent workplaces.
Emotional Intelligence (90 minutes, $99.95 – #6369) focuses on one of the least understood but
most important elements of leadership – the ability to stay calm and in control of every situation.
Leading a Cross Generational Workforce (80 minutes, $249.95 – #9349) focuses on generational trends in the work-
place and shows how to get different generations to pull together as a team. Taken together, these two exciting DVDs
go a long way to better understanding today’s workplace and identifying what needs to be done to make it more ap-
pealing to those who want to find greater meaning and purpose in their worklives. 2016. Nearly 3 hours running time.
Can purchase each separately. SPECIAL: Both DVDs for $329.95.
Marketing Yourself for a Second Career: Emotional Intelligence DVD
Finding the Right Job After Military Service DVD Debra Fox
Colonel Jerry Crews, U.S. Army Retired #6369 Reveals the secrets of Emotional Intelligence (EI) – the
#5122 Filmed live at a transition seminar in the Pentagon, ability to stay calm and in control of every situation – and ex-
this insightful and humorous program includes stories, plains how to use this skill to take your career to the next level.
examples, and analyses of what transitional military and Covers the three attributes of EI everyone must understand;
their families need to do to find rewarding how your core personality style affects your EI; how to pre-
second careers. Focuses on re-enlistment, pare for people who hit your hot buttons to get you off your
retirement, spouses, families, benefits, di- game; 10 steps for getting someone to change their negative
lemmas, job fairs, finances, security clear- behaviors; and much more. 90 minutes. 2017. $99.95
ances, networking, resumes, interviews,
salary negotiations, and much more. 120 You’re Fired (2nd Edition) DVD
minutes. 2012. ISBN 978-1-57023-275-6. #5865 Reveals the 10 most common rea-
$49.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for sons people are fired (50,000 each day in
$349.95; 100 copies for $2,499.95. the U.S.!) and outlines which attitudes and
Dress and Groom for Career Success behaviors usually lead to trouble in the
workplace. In addition to learning what
(Second Edition) DVD not to do on the job, viewers also gain
#6514 This program gives tips and advice for strategies for making positive changes to improve their
dressing and grooming for a successful job performance at work. Includes vignettes and breakpoints
interview and success on the job. Male and for addressing poor job performance and relationships
female viewers learn how to avoid the little with supervisors; dishonesty; unreliability; inability to work
things that often ruin one’s appearance. Goes with others; disrespecting others; misusing company re-
beyond the standard advice of “dressing for sources; poor customer service; abusing drugs or alcohol;
the job you want” by helping viewers develop a personal style and inappropriate appearance. 30 minutes. 2016. $160.95
that best presents their personality. 30 minutes. 2016. $160.95
orders 800.361.1055 | online ordering 25