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Winning Answers to                       Dealing With Difficult People    DVD
     Common Interview                         #1162 Have you ever worked with these people? Amy At-
     Questions DVD     DVD                    titude, Blameless Bob, Clock-watcher Carl, Helpless Harriet,
     #6710 This video provides detailed, prac-  Sandra the Stressed, Walter the Whiner. A veteran manager
     tical strategies for tackling many of the   and trainer, Don Crawley, offers memorable tools for han-
     most common – and some of the more       dling difficult people. His  easy-to-apply tips and tactics help
     difficult – questions job seekers are likely to face, from “Tell   you learn to use the: ABCDEFs of communi-
     me about a time when” scenarios to questions about soft   cating with difficult people; SAILS approach
     skills, personal goals, and gaps in work history. Reveals   for working with negative people; CPR steps
     powerful sample answers – both positive and negative   on  blamers;  3R  approach to  re-engage-
     – to each question. Also coaches viewers on how to for-  ment; STIR method for high self-esteem;
     mulate a step-by-step strategy that will allow them to an-  and  8S’s  to encourage  independence.  In-
     swer any question. Includes an instructor’s guide. 2018.   cludes a Viewer’s Guide. $99.95
     30 minutes. $160.95. SPECIAL: 5 copies for $725.00.     Navigating the World of
     Step-by-Step Interview Success DVD    DVD  Social Media     DVD
     #6069 Helps job seekers tackle the interview process from   #5215  Tweets, texts, updates, uploads,
     start to finish. Shows how every step of the interview process   pins, posts . . .  welcome to the 24/7
     is an opportunity to showcase one’s skills and personality. In-  digital world. People are logging on and
     cludes an instructor’s guide. Viewers learn valuable strategies:  checking in from anywhere and every-
        y advanced preparation and research   where in the world – to hang out, inter-
        y making a positive first impression  act, reconnect, and make new friends.  Whether you’re
        y  answering difficult interview questions  new to social media or a seasoned social networker, this
        y following up effectively            new DVD has the lowdown on everything from the top
        y considering a job offer             “dos” and “don’ts” to successfully  managing your online
     Shows how every step of the interview pro-  relationships and protecting your own personal brand.
                                              Includes instructor’s guide. 31 minutes. 2015. $108.00
     cess is an opportunity to showcase one’s
     skills and personality. Includes an instructor’s guide. 2018.   Soft Skills in the Workplace
     30 minutes. $160.95. SPECIAL: 5 copies for $725.00.
     135 Interview Answers     DVD            (2nd Edition)     DVD
                                              #6591 Soft skills determine whether you
                #8924  “Aren’t you overqualified for this   meet employers’ expectations and succeed
                position?” “Why is there a gap in your work   in the workplace. They are primarily person-
                history?” “What would you take on a trip to   ality traits and interpersonal skills. This video
                Mars?” In this instructive and often humor-  includes vignettes and interviews with hir-
                ous program, top recruiter Stephen Con-  ing managers who stress the importance of soft skills in the
                voy (Microsoft, Nokia, Disney, Coca-Cola)   workplace. Viewers learn how to use and improve their soft
     instructs job-seekers on what to say and what never to say   skills for making professional impressions, acting with in-
     in response to specific interview questions. Divided into sec-  tegrity, communicating effectively, working as team mem-
     tions that reflect key areas of recruiters’ interest – personality,   bers, and achieving success. 35 minutes. 2016. $160.95
     competency, behavior, self-motivation, and aspiration – the
     video presents an array of both good and bad replies. View-  Careers in the Nonprofit Sector     DVD
     ers learn how to handle questions that are common but dif-  #8518  Explores diverse opportunities available in the
     ficult (“What do you want to get out of this meeting?”), and gain   nonprofit sector, which includes advocacy groups, com-
     insight into what employers really want to know when they   munity organizations, and nongovernmental associations.
     say “Tell me about yourself.” 79 minutes. 2013. $169.95  Features three people who link their passions to their ca-
     Good First Impressions:                  reers. Explains various jobs found in the nonprofit world,
                                              including public relations, tech support, and accounting.
     Proven Tips and Techniques               Emphasizes the benefits of volunteering. Includes online
     for Successful Job Interview     DVD     printable worksheet. 17 minutes. 2011. $129.95
     #3242 Reveals how to improve appear-
     ance, confidence, maturity, emotional    Work-Life Balance: Success and
     stability, and enthusiasm before an inter-  Happiness in an Always-Connected World     DVD
     view. Covers interview taboos (arriving   #6114  Not long ago, people clearly separated their
     late, cell phones, tattoos) as well as discusses group inter-  professional personal lives. But in today’s always-con-
     views, bad interviewers, and phone interviews. Includes   nected world,  work life and  home  life are  blending.
     interview scenarios as well as insights of job search ex-  This video looks shows how to keep a proper balance
     perts and employers. 25 minutes. 2011. $158.95      that leads to happiness, health, and
     Keys to Getting Hired Video Series     DVD          success both at home and at work.
                                                         Presents strategies for handling stress,
     #5517  This 3-part DVD series reveals the most effective   taking responsibility, being organized,
                                                         managing time, and maintaining fo-
     ways to uncover job leads, connect with employers, and get   cus. 31 minutes. 2015. $169.95
     quickly hired. Career coaches and former job
     seekers share best networking strategies, re-     15 Ways to Handle Today’s Stress
     sume and cover letter tips, and best ways to                              DVD
     prepare for and ace the interview. 15-20 min-  #8715 Stress is often unavoidable in today’s job mar-
     utes each. 2016. $107.95 each. SPECIAL:   ket, but there are ways to handle it so it doesn’t become
     Complete series on 1 DVD for $276.95     overwhelming. Viewers learn how to deal with stress by
         y Job Search Steps That Get Results  using 15 simple steps, including talking with others, re-
                                              ducing stimulants, learning relaxation techniques, get-
         y Resumes and Cover Letters That Work  ting regular exercise, setting priorities, forgiving others,
         y Ace the Interview and Get the Job  and laughing. 15 minutes. 2007. $129.95

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