Page 31 - HKPASEA Youth Elite Aspiration Program
P. 31
2. 您對工作或事業的期望
I aspire to become a leader in the innovative technology field, capable of leading
a company to develop business and build company competence in innovative
technologies. As of now, I target to move towards a more senior technical role
in the short term, focusing on the development of R&D skills and familiarize
myself with innovative technology. In the medium term, I expect myself to
move from technical roles to a project management role, where I lead a team to
develop innovative solutions according to project commitments.
During this period, I will focus on the development on essential managerial
skillsets, including but not limited to managerial accounting. In the long term,
the ultimate goal is to become a leader in the innovative technology field, with a
focus on business strategic planning and business development.