Page 33 - HKPASEA Youth Elite Aspiration Program
P. 33





              中文全名﹕                   張明翠
              英文全名﹕                   Cheung Ming Chui (Charmaine)
              性別﹕                     女
              職業﹕                     受僱人士
              受僱機構名稱﹕                 施耐德電氣有限公司
              職銜﹕                     環球策略部經理
              工作年期﹕                   5 年
              最高資歷﹕                   LLB & BBA(Law),HKU
              語言﹕                     廣東話,英語,普通話

              1.  您對「專資青年追夢計劃」的期望
                   - Keep abreast of the latest development in Hong Kong in different key
                     industries and identify potential opportunity and threats
                   - Network with industry experts and explore career options
                   - Provide guidance and support to our aspiring younger generations
                   - Develop entrepreneur and leadership skills

              2.  您對工作或事業的期望
                   It is always my little dream to have my own business which can bring positive
                   impact to our community, the humankind and even the environment while having
                   a sustainable monetization model.

                   With 5 years of work experience, I have clearer understanding on what I enjoy
                   and aspire to. I  thrive in  an environment  which  values  openness  and freedom.
                   Job-wise, I particularly enjoy cracking problems and driving projects with impact
                   – I love the brainwork of analysis, but I also care a lot about whether my judgment
                   can bring positive results. I have 5 year plan for myself – this year I achieve it
                   by  being  promoted  to  a  managerial  position.  For  next  5  year,  I  would  like  to
                   transform from a pure strategy person who may be strong in analytics but clueless
                   in execution, to an all-rounded executives who have strong operational / business
                   development  /  go  to  market  skillsets  as  well  as  M&A  /  corporate  investment

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