Page 42 - HKPASEA Youth Elite Aspiration Program
P. 42
第 二 屆 「 專 資 青 年 追 夢 計 劃 」
中文全名﹕ 許廷峰
英文全名﹕ Hui Ting Fung (Brian)
性別﹕ 男
職業﹕ 受僱人士
受僱機構名稱﹕ 恒隆地產有限公司
職銜﹕ 租務主任
工作年期﹕ 3 年
最高資歷﹕ HKU - Bsc(Surveying) - 1st Class Honor
語言﹕ 廣東話,英語,普通話
1. 您對「專資青年追夢計劃」的期望
Through the program, I wish to extend my personal network with senior
outstanding people, with outstanding peers in society, and also deepen my
understanding of ways of contributing to the community. Besides, it would be great
if I can learn experience from successful people about how they equipped
themselves when they were junior and what else I can pay more attention to when
I would like to continuously improve myself.
Furthermore, I would like to take this chance to understand different parts of
China so as to prepare myself to be an all-rounded talent in the future.
2. 您對工作或事業的期望
I wish to contribute further to my homeland - Hong Kong, by actively
participating in different roles in society and in the company. As a management
trainee of Hang Lung properties, I have been proactively equipping myself
continuously with knowledge, being acquainted with professional or business
acumen, extending my interpersonal network, and also deepening my
understanding of people from different walks of life and various background.
Last year I was totally out of my comfort zone. Not only had I worked in Dalian,
Northeast China for 6 months to experience their local culture and business
operation personally but also wrote an article about mediation for the institution
of civil engineers. All of these are valuable experiences for my personal growth.
During the process, I encountered many difficulties and surpassed them one by