Page 44 - HKPASEA Youth Elite Aspiration Program
P. 44

第 二 屆 「 專 資 青 年 追 夢 計 劃 」




              中文全名﹕                   許瑩
              英文全名﹕                   Hui Ying Natalie (Natalie)
              性別﹕                     女
              職業﹕                     受僱人士
              受僱機構名稱﹕                 羅兵咸永道會計師事務所
              職銜﹕                     高級顧問
              工作年期﹕                   3 年
              最高資歷﹕                   Bachelor
              語言﹕                     廣東話,英語,普通話

              1.  您對「專資青年追夢計劃」的期望
                 I wish to connect with more spectrum of people in the society, gain more exposures
                 on  different  industries,  especially  on  fintech  area  where  I  come  from.  Most
                 importantly,  I  hope  to  improve  my  communicative  and  presentation  skills  by
                 meeting, co-working and networking with new people. I believe soft skill is a vital
                 survival kit in every aspect of life.

              2.  您對工作或事業的期望
                 I have been working in PwC for around 2.5 years. I wish to reach to a managerial
                 grade or have my own team in 2 years with work confidence and satisfaction. At
                 the same time, I am keen to explore new career opportunities by networking and
                 socializing with different people in the society.

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