Page 48 - HKPASEA Youth Elite Aspiration Program
P. 48

第 二 屆 「 專 資 青 年 追 夢 計 劃 」




              中文全名﹕                   郭俊軒
              英文全名﹕                   Kwok Chun Hin (Henry)
              性別﹕                     男
              職業﹕                     全職學生
              就讀學校名稱﹕                 香港理工大學
              就讀年級﹕                   四年級
              主修科目﹕                   電機工程
              最高資歷﹕                   Higher Diploma
              語言﹕                     廣東話,英語,普通話

              1.  您對「專資青年追夢計劃」的期望
                   My expectations of the youth program have lots of activities, in different activities
                   I have different expectations.

                   My expectation on those six seminars with successful people is I can learn about
                   different  industries  and  know  more  about  how  those  successful  people  become
                   successful.  I  hope  that by  learning  about  different industries  can  help  me have  a
                   better understanding of different industries. Thus, when I am required to work with
                   these industries in the future, I can work with them in a more efficient way. I also
                   hope that by learning from successful people can help me to become a successful
                   person in my career so that I am able to contribute to my country.
                   My expectation on the local visits, I hope that I am able to visit places that I have
                   not visited before and learn about the operation of that company or infrastructure.
                   Especially,  I  do  not  have  sound  knowledge  of  fintech  company,  I  hope  that  by
                   visiting fintech company, I am able to understand the operation of fintech companies.

                   I expected the most is from the Mainland China visit. I have only visited Mainland
                   a  few  times  for  sightseeing,  so  I  am  not  familiar  with  the  difference  between
                   Mainland and Hong Kong in terms of culture, business operation, etc. I hope that by
                   visiting enterprises in China I can learn more about they are able to develop at a
                   high speed in recent years. I can also learn more about how can I contribute to my
                   country in my career during the visit.

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