Page 55 - HKPASEA Youth Elite Aspiration Program
P. 55
中文全名﹕ 李卓南
英文全名﹕ Lee Cheuk Nam (Chester)
性別﹕ 男
職業﹕ 全職學生
就讀學校名稱﹕ 香港城巿大學
就讀年級﹕ 三年級
主修科目﹕ Accounting & Finance
最高資歷﹕ Bachelor degree
語言﹕ 廣東話,英語,普通話
1. 您對「專資青年追夢計劃」的期望
I hope that I can learn from different experts from a wide range of industries. It is
a precious opportunity that we can interact with government officials as well as
financial pundits. By having this chance, I will make used of it to widen my
horizon and social network. It will definitely be beneficial for my future career
and life.
2. 您對工作或事業的期望
I hope that I can work in the government as a civil servant. It is such a fruitful
job. By working in the government, I can contribute to society directly by serving
citizens from all walks of life.