Page 56 - HKPASEA Youth Elite Aspiration Program
P. 56
第 二 屆 「 專 資 青 年 追 夢 計 劃 」
中文全名﹕ 李俊柏
英文全名﹕ Lee Chun Pak (Jake)
性別﹕ 男
職業﹕ 全職學生
就讀學校名稱﹕ 香港理工大學
就讀年級﹕ 三年級
主修科目﹕ Language and speech science
最高資歷﹕ Bachelor degree
語言﹕ 廣東話,英語,普通話
1. 您對「專資青年追夢計劃」的期望
I will graduate from university in two years. I am excited and confused at the same
time. I cannot wait to make good use of my talent but I still have no idea how to
archive it. So that It is such a great opportunity for me to attend the program that
it will broaden my horizon. I am sure that during all the talks, site visits and the
internship will solve my confusion about my future. Not only I will be able to
absorb lots of precious information about workplace and the society but also, I
will have change to engage. During the internship, I want to discover my potential.
2. 您對工作或事業的期望
I always expect I can contribute to the society after graduation. I have been
studying for most of my life and I think it is time for me to apply what I have
learnt. Life is a long journey that building up my career is such an exciting
milestone. I expect I will be able to contribute my communication skills and
management skills. I expect I can work in the field that I can serve the people in