Page 61 - HKPASEA Youth Elite Aspiration Program
P. 61
中文全名﹕ 廖詠詩
英文全名﹕ Liu Wing Sze (Daisy)
性別﹕ 女
職業﹕ 全職學生
就讀學校名稱﹕ 香港大學
就讀年級﹕ 二年級
主修科目﹕ 法律
最高資歷﹕ Secondary 6
語言﹕ 廣東話,英語,普通話
1. 您對「專資青年追夢計劃」的期望
My greatest expectation resonates with the theme of the program this year -- to
explore my future opportunities in difficult times. Batting the pandemic, civil
unrest and economic recession, Hong Kong has experienced a turbulent year that
resulted in drastic social changes. The future awaiting the young generations is no
longer a clear and bright picture, but one that gives rise to uncertainty. It is
therefore my strong wish to examine the prospects of our city through
collaborating with like-minded individuals and gaining insights from various
distinguished speakers, and then devise an innovative development plan for myself
and for the city.
As the determination to make a change alone does not guarantee success, I also
wish to hone my leadership skills by participating in this program. What is
intriguing about this program is that I would have to put myself in the shoes of a
policymaker so as to have a comprehensive assessment on the future of our city -
- while it is equally challenging as it requires in-depth research and analysis. I
wish to sharpen my critical thinking skills and communication strategies
throughout the project so that they would qualify me as a future leader.
Apart from equipping myself with leadership skills, I also look forward to
expanding my social network through mingling and collaborating with
participants who come from a diverse background. As different fields in our city
are inter-connected, it is indeed essential that we take the initiative to reach out
and connect with different people and this program provided such a golden
opportunity. It is my strong belief that “many a little makes a mickle” and that a
better future of our city will be secured with concerted efforts of aspiring young