Page 29 - BRP 綠色課程之旅報告2022.11.18.
P. 29


               摘要 Abstract

               本報告基於聯合國的 17 個可持續發展目標的背景下,對學校現況作對應的探討。



               氣候變化等問題所作出的行動,並作出建議。期望於香港 2050 年碳中和前,母

               校可在學界的前列進行對節約能源,或綠色校園的規                                      劃  ,培養更多對能源概念


               This  report  explores  the  current  state  of  schools  in  the  context  of  the  17  Sustainable

               Development Goals of the United Nations. Due to time constraints, only one of its goals can

               be selected for evaluation. We will focus on students' awareness of energy conservation in their
               daily school life. We also pay attention to their use of electrical equipment in schools, and

               identify and make suggestions on what our school can do about reducing energy consumption,
               climate change and other issues. It is hoped that before Hong Kong's carbon neutrality in 2050,

               the  alma  mater  can  plan  for  energy  conservation  or  green  campus  at  the  forefront  of  the
               academic  community,  cultivate  more  future  elites  who  understand  the  concept  of  energy

               conservation, and promote the sustainable development goals of society.

               Keyword: Low Carbon, Energy Conservation, Green Campus, Sustainable Development

               報告二. 保良局董玉娣中學                                                                         24
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