Page 38 - E-Modul Korespondensi (sania nanda safitri_padp_fe_um_2017)_Neat
P. 38

e.  Confrimation Letter (Surat Kofirmasi)
                                Confirmation Letter atau surat konfirmasi dikenal dengan “Latter of

                         Receipt” atau “Acknowledgment Letter”. Surat jenis ini umumnya bersifat
                         resmi dan singkat. Kita bisa menggunakan Confirmation Letter atau surat

                                                     COMPUTA & CO. Ltd
                                                     72, Flower Park Street
                                                       LONDON, W - 1
                      Ref    : CJ/SF/L29                                       22 February, 2009

                      Messrs, John Clark & Co. Ltd.
                      40, Market Street
                      Melbourne, Australia

                      Dear Sirs,

                      We were very glad to receive your order of 20  February, for computer products.
                      We have the pleasure of confirm that your order consists of: (Kami sangat senang
                      menerima  pesanan  Anda  tanggal  20  Februari,  untuk  produk  komputer.  Kami
                      dengan senang hati mengkonfirmasi bahwa pesanan Anda terdiri dari: )
                                      Type                            Unit Price           Total
                       Computer Led “ACEP” 21.5 Inch          5            £64.651            £323.257
                       “BENT”  Computer  Eye  Care            4           £194.264            £777.058
                       Monitor 24 Inch GTA653
                       “HI”  Computer  Elite  Display  32     2           £345.438            £690.877
                       Inch GPS987
                       “VIEWNEW” Computer Ultra HD            3           £303.499            £910.498
                       LCD 28 Inch GPL9845
                       “TOSHBA”  DreamLight  Z23x  D2         3           £397.114          £1191.343
                       24 Inch GAS9845
                                                                   Total                    £3893.033
                                                                   Less 5% Disc            £116.790,99
                                                                   Delivery                     £5.172
                                                                   Final                 £3781.414,01

                      Payment can be made through Barclays' company bank account 4567890, for the
                      payment limit until  the end of March. (Pembayaran  dapat dilakukan melalui
                      rekening bank perusahaan Barclays 4567890, dengan batas pembayaran hingga
                      akhir Maret.)

                      We wait your confirmation before executing your order, and should be pleased to give
                      you satisfaction. (Kami menunggu konfirmasi Anda sebelum menjalankan pesanan
                      Anda, dan dengan senang hati kami akan memberikan kepuasan kepada Anda.)

                                                                                Your faithfully,

                                                                                Chan Joseph
                      CJ/Sf                                                    Marketing Director

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