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I am Shweta Khilwani. I am a retailer and manufacturer of women apparel under the brand name Potpourri
originals. I am also an authorized DXN dealer and a health consultant. Both my business are launched at a
national and international scale. The main medium of my work is through social media as I believe we can
reach a whole new market with untapped potential with the help of technology in modern times.
I am optimist and an opportunist person. The motive with which I started working was to make myself
independent both financially and emotionally. Once that was done I gathered a whole new level of
confidence and saw myself go through a metamorphosis from being shy and hesitant to being comfortable
in my own skin with complete confidence. This change made me realize that there are women out there
who may not be as well supported as I was by my family, so I thought of creating a safe platform for women
entrepreneurs. I named it MAHODAARI which means goddess who carries the whole universe in her
womb. MAHODAARI is a platform where women lead the way. I aspire for it to grow to great lengths.
I believe in the cause of our honorable prime minister Mr. Modi that one should support local businesses.
By doing so, we will not only boost the economy but also help many struggling entrepreneurs to set their
business foundations and grow. In this rough lockdown period, I tried to keep myself busy by creating
numerous live sessions about mental health and business issues. I also participated in charity by making
and delivering food items and essentials to those in need. I honestly believe that this lockdown has made
me thankful for a lot in life and truly made me a better person.
The links to all my pages are below:-
1. Potpourrioriginals FB 3. DXN FB PAGE
795320103833493/?fref=ts&_nodl 123870589295798/?substory_index=0
2. Potpourrioriginals INSTA 4. MAHODAARI FB
igshid=1xqmrxwyx3xk7 2371335313179965/