Page 7 - Magazine Final 04-06.cdr
P. 7

                              LOCKDOWN DIARIES

                          ARTICLE DEDICATED TO DOMESTIC HELPS.

                 Sharing my personal experience during these days of Corona Lockdown, I extremely
                 felt  how  precious  are  our  helpers.         Though I already had great respect for
                 all my staff, as they are with me                 from  the  last  15  years,  some  18
                 years  &  few  kids  since  their                  childhood ( now married & having
                 their families too). I really bow for              them & salute too.    Though all my
                 family  members  are  giving                       helping  hands  in  daily  household
                 works, still I miss my maids, my                   left & right hands. I remember how
                 hard they work for the entire                      day,  coming  up  at  6am.  in  the
                 morning  till  6pm.  in  the                       evening, though they used to stay
                 with  me  in  their  childhood                         when I was newly married but
                 now  they  have  to  return                              home  as  they  too  have
                 families.  Moreover,  after                               r e a c h i n g   t h e i r   o w n
                 residence,  they  need  to                                 finish  their  daily  chores
                 b e f o r e   t u r n i n g   u p                          punctually  again  on  work
                 next  day.  Wow,  that  is                                  amazing, mind blowing &
                 highly praisable.     Though                                 we  #MSEvents,  my
                 Organisation, have thought                                   priorly  only  that  we  will
                 give them full monthly pays,                                 but now willingly feeling
                 for  gifting  them  all,  once                               Corona Virus is over. All
                 this just to create optimism                                  amoung all to stay alive,
                 to make them believe in that                                  dark clouds fade away
                 soon  for  bright  days.  To                                   make them understand
                 m o r e   t h e o r y   o f   o u r                            CREATOR that DAY IS
                 F O L L O W E D   A F T E R                                    EVERY  NIGHT.  Also
                 keep  them  sparkling  with                                   rays  of  hope  to  stay
                 h o m e   o n l y   t o   b e a t                             CORONA.  So  if  we  all
                 are  taking  care  of  our                                   working  team,  from
                 Driver,  sweepers,  maids,                                  cooks  &  entire  staff,  we,
                 INDIANS,  will  succeed  &                                  also give helping hand to
                 our  PRIME  MINISTER-                                        NARENDER MODI ji call
                 f o r   s u c c e s s f u l                                    LOCKDOWN.     So let
                 us  all  join  hands  to                                        m a k e   o u r   s t a f f
                 comfortable  with  their                                        respective  salaries,
                 so  that  they  get                                             strength,  stronger
                 m i n d   s e t   u p s ,                                      motivation to fight this
                 deadly  disease                                                 Corona, stay positive,
                 and happily come                                                 f o r   w o r k   o n c e
                 lockdown period                                                  is  over.  This  is  real
                 life, meaning of                                                  our presence on this
                 E a r t h ,   t o                                                  c r e a t e   o u r
                 KARMAS, to                                                          earn  maximum
                 r e w a r d                                                         points  from  our
                 GOD to be         JAI HIND                                           paid  back  for
                 g o o d                                                               deeds, as we all
                 know  we                                                               need  to  leave
                 t h i s                                                                 world  empty
                 handed.                                                                 So  why  not
                 g i v e  back to society all we can in our best possible ways, spread rays of
                 happiness to create atmosphere of enlightenment.

                                                                    MONICA SETH
                                                                DIRECTOR/MS EVENTS                  03
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