Page 10 - Magazine Final 04-06.cdr
P. 10
The en re human civiliza on has been halted by
Covid-19. Because of its contagious nature, the
outburst of this virus was abrupt. Therefore, our
government gathered extreme courage to bear
the economic loss for a developing na on like
ours and decided to announce a break on the life
of its very people in the form of “Lockdown”.
Lockdown emerged as a halt on the ever fast-
running human rou ne. As expected, it is not
the tendency of the human mind to accept a
change easily. It gets irked when pushed out
of the comfort zone. Meanwhile, the vacant
me spent by one with oneself laid bare the
wounds, the injuries a ained by one on his spiritual and emo onal self
when one was busy managing a fast-paced rou ne. As every individual is a part of society, so his
wounds and his very injuries are part of society too. This tends to make society unhealthy. These all
wounds have collec vely resulted in a void, rather a malignant one, for the spiritual health of
society.Lockdown has forced us to realize the presence of this void, to face it in its truest form. The
void bares its sharp and hungry teeth. It stands in front of us as an u erly black, barbaric,
megalomaniac, who is ready to engulf morality, peace, happiness and most important humanity.
Unsurprisingly, he has always been there, a part of us, present among us but to date, unfelt. Now,
when the situa on has forced us to realize his presence, we should also pay a en on to destroy his
very existence. The very same existence derives nutri on from our malignity. He sucks blood from the
wound of each individual to grow stronger. So, to tear its roots from within us, we need to heal
ourselves. And luckily enough we are in a condi on where we can do that.It’s important for us now to
indulge in self-healing, self-rejuvena on and to grow out stronger in these tough mes. It is necessary
to achieve a healthy mental and spiritual well-being. When one has enough me to spend with
oneself and with his loved ones, it can be easily achieved. Lockdown has thus helped us to give voice
to our emo ons and thoughts and get rid of the pent up emo onal turmoil. It has made us learn that
we should never deprive the loved ones of the a en on and care that they deserve. Lockdown has
provided us with the opportunity to tender our mental, emo onal, spiritual, and social health. We
should use it to grow within ourselves. Unlearning is necessary to create something afresh and to fade
away the unhealthy us. By taking care of ourselves and spreading love, hope, and smile we can boost
life in this society of ours. I sincerely thank Mrs. Monica Seth for giving me the opportunity to voice my
opnions in her inspira onal venture “Lockdown Diaries”. Her efforts have inspired the youth to come
up with their stories and lend support to the society through these dark mes. I was fortunate enough
to know Monica ma’am when she raised money to fund my educa on. Her sincere love and respect for
others make me look up to her. I wish her the best of luck to achieve her dream. I cannot think of
anyone else deserving success more than her.