Page 21 - demo
P. 21

U P W A R D   B O U N D

                                FACEBOOK - VIDEO SCRIPT

            The Testimonial videos featured on Facebook will be a combination of both scripted and unscripted

            content. The scripted will consist of an opening and closing line, whereas the unscripted clips will
            come from past participants real answers to the below interview questions.

                            U N S C R I P T E D                                                        S C R I P T E D

           - What does your life look like now?

                   - Career?
                   - Family?                                                                 Opening Line:
                                                                                             "Hi my name is _______, and this is my

                                                                                             Upward Bound Story"
           - What goals are you working towards right now?

           - How did you first get connected with Upward Bound?                              Closing Line:
                                                                                             "Upward Bound [pause] Grow Together"

           - Whenever you were in the program, what did your life
              look like?

           - Can you describe how Upward Bound helped you grow
              to the person you are today?

                                                                        F A C E B O O K                                                        21
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