Page 26 - demo
P. 26

U P W A R D   B O U N D

                                  VIRTUAL CONFERENCE

           Our Virtual Conference will be a main event of sorts to fully showcase who Upward bound really

           is. This virtual conference will be in a webinar-type format taking place on Zoom. There will be
           professionals within the program on a panel explaining what the program is and answering

           specific questions future participants may have. Along side our program professionals, will be
           current participants representing the program to give insight to future participants from their


           Considering the Covid-19 pandemic, we have found this is the best way to spread the word in an

           event format. Since this will be an online event, we have set aside a week long webinar where
           individuals can choose the day they will like to participate. Our dates for this event are

           November 16th-20th from 10am to 2pm. This is laid out on page 28 of this plansbook.

                                                                V I R T U A L   C O N F E R E N C E                                            26
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