Page 30 - demo
P. 30

U P W A R D   B O U N D

                                              PEOPLE NEEDED

                Once the campaign is set, a team would be needed to maintain social media presence and

                and tone of the campaign to keep it consistent.

                               VIDEOGRAPHER                                                    SOCIAL MEDIA

                            - A freelancer or                                               - Handles all

                               an intern that can                  MANAGER                     social media

                               take pictures or                                                posts.

                               video of daily               - Overlooks posts
                               activities.                     and makes sure    - Creates all
                                                               they are                        captions and
                            - Edits together                   consistent with        makes sure posts

                               recorded                        the brand.                      are posted every

                               testimonials                                                    week.
                               for Facebook.                - Could be one of
                                                               the head execs on

                                                               the board.

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