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Upward Bound is a program in the Springfield area that offers support to participants to better prepare
them for college. They aim to bypass barriers that could prevent students from doing well in school. Participants
must attend Central, Parkview, or Hillcrest High School, be the first in their family to receive a college degree, meet
income guidelines set by the government, or have a documented disability. If a student meets one of those
requirements, the free services offered to them include tutoring, ACT and SAT prep, free waivers, college visits,
college major and career exploration services, counseling, dual credit classes, and bridge classes. 3
Our campaign will run from October 19th through November 20th. The cost of our campaign is essentially
free, besides the additional opportunity for sponsored posts on social media, if Upward Bound chooses to spend
their budget as so. The three objectives for our campaign are to fill 80% of our participant limit, have a 26%
increase in the amount of people who are acquiring information about Upward Bound, and grow our online
presence on Facebook and Instagram by 10%.
Facebook will be used to reach the parents of eligible students. Every Monday and Wednesday, there will
be a Facebook video testimonial post, paired with an Instagram picture only version of this same story dropping
the day after its release, Tuesday and Thursday. Additionally, Facebook will serve as a place for any posts that are
longer in length and/or give updates about Upward Bound. While Instagram will be used to reach eligible
students, as well as act as a place to post past student flashbacks. During the last week of our campaign, we will
hold a live Q&A via Zoom to give possible future participants and/or their parents the opportunity to speak with a
spokesperson representing Upward Bound to address any questions or concerns they may have. Throughout every
channel, we will be using the slogan “Grow Together” to help enforce the idea that Upward Bound provides
students the opportunity to expand their experience and knowledge.
E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y 3