Page 5 - demo
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U P W A R D   B O U N D

                                             SWOT ANALYSIS

                                                        STRENGTHS                                                          WEAKNESSES

         Free tutoring for classes, ACT and SAT testing.
                                                                                       Little-to-no engagement on social media
         College visits and out-of-state trips.                                        platforms.

         Relationships with career professionals, new
         friends and memories that will last a lifetime.                               Focuses target audience to 3 high schools in
                                                                                       the Springfield area, narrowing their market.
         Scholarship and financial aid assistance.

         Involved, passionate, and knowledgable staff.

                                  OPPORTUNITIES                                                                               THREATS

                                                                                  COVID-19 and it's possible effects on family
          Room for expansion on social media                                      income, university enrollment, and mental
          platforms with new campaigns and                                        health.
                                                                                   Stuggles to build relationships with busy
          Increase in the quality of engagement with                               liaisons within schools.
          potential program members, parents, and
          supporters.                                                              Struggle to recuit students against competitors.

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