Page 10 - 31 May 2024
P. 10


             This week Kevin and I did not
             venture forth further than the
             Golf Club.
             We took the dogs for a walk
             to  the  Golf  Club  and  were
             fortunate  to  bump  into  the
             resident  flock  of  Blue
             Korhaans (Bloukorhaan). We
             see these birds so often that
             we  sometimes  forget  just
             how fortunate we are. We are   Blue Korhaan (Bloukorhaan) 2 males and a female. The photograph was   A pair of Blue Korhaan (Bloukorhaan). The female has the brown cheek
             able to get close and to really   taken on Saturday at the Barkly East Golf Club.                              patch.
             watch them.
                                     recorded as carrying at least   matter.          stunning to watch.
             T h e   B l u e   K o r h a a n    3  or  4  kilometers  and  can   T h e   m a l e s   a r e   v e r y    For the rest of the time we just
             (Eupodotis caerulescens) is   carry  on  for  10  to  15   aggressive  towards  rival   enjoyed  our  usual  garden
             of the family Otodidae and   minutes.  This  is  the  only   groups. We have witnessed   birds, like the Laughing Dove
             are native to South Africa.  Korhaan  with  a  blue  belly.   two  rival  groups  having  a   (Rooibors-duifie). We also had
             Their call is a frog-like croak,   The  male  and  female  are   "fight", it was actually seeing   a  few  Red-billed  Quelea
             often made when displaying   very  similar,  but  the  female   which  group  could  outcall   (Rooibekkwelea)  feeding  at
             or  when  in  flight.  It  always   has a brownish cheek patch.   the  other.  We  have  also   our  feeder  amongst  the
             astounds  me  how  far  their   The  immature  birds  are   witnessed strange behaviour   Bishops and Weavers in their
             call carries. Walking to work   similar to the female but they   when they are breeding and   winter attire.
             in the early morning, I often   have  heavy  black  streaking   you  by  mistake  step  into   Get  out  there  and  enjoy  the
             hear  them  group-calling  all   on the face.    their  breeding  area.  They   beauty  of  nature  right  where
             the way from the Golf Club.   They are omnivorous, eating   puff  themselves  up  and   you are.
             This  sound  has  been   mainly insects and vegetable   "dance"  and  display.  It  is
                                                                                        Right: Red-billed Quelea
                                                                                       (Rooibekkwelea). We do not
                                                                                       get the huge flocks of these
                                                                                      birds that are found  in some
                                                                                       areas. When in their winter
                                                                                       plumage, they can still be
                                                                                       identified by their bright red
                                                                                          bill and red eye-ring.

              Blue Korhaan (Bloukorhaan). This is a photograph Kevin took of  two male birds on 24
                                            March 2024

                                                                                         Cape Wagtail (Gewone Kwikkie) in the
                                                                                       frost on the Golf Course, Barkly East, 25
                                                                                      May 2024. These charming birds with their
                                                                                       ‘tail-wagging’ gait  are common residents   Laughing Dove (Rooiborsduifie). According
                                                                                       and often congregate in communal roosts.   to the bird books, the female is paler than
                                                                                         Their diet consists mainly of insects,   the male. The white outer tail feathers are
                                                                                       snails, tadpoles and even small fish. They   conspicuous in flight of these little pink
                                                                                       won’t turn down a few household scraps   doves. They have a sweet, soft laugh-like
                                                                                                     either.                              call.
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