Page 5 - 24 January 2025
P. 5

THE REPORTER 24 JANUARY 2025        · PAGE 5

                                     descended  towards  the
                                     water from the trees in large
                                     flocks, only to swerve and fly
                                     back to perch when they saw
                                     the  juvenile  Lanners.  This
                                     carried on for more than half
                                     an  hour.  The  two  parent
                                     birds  were  desperate  to
                                     catch supper for the family.
                                     They tried to get the juveniles
                                     to  fly  back  to  their  tree,
                                     eventually the one did. The
                                     other  stubbornly  stayed  at
                                     the  waterhole.  A  Pale
                                     Chanting  Goshawk  joined
                                     him  at  the  water  and  the
                                     juvenile  Lanner  became
             Our Kgalagdi holiday had a   aggressive  and  tried  to   Lanner Falcons (Edelvalk) perched at Polentswa before launching an   Lanner Falcons (Edelvalk) attacking the flocks of
             few  very  special  moments,   attack the Goshawk. I think              attack.                                       smaller birds.
             and that does not include the   the  Lanner  family  went
             moment  a  Lion  walked   without supper that night!
             passed  the  Jimny,  very   At Cubitje Quap waterhole a
             closely and then decided ro   pair  of  Cape  Crows  had  a
             mark  his  territory  against  a   very crafty plan to get an easy
             very  nearby  tree.  The  guy   meal.  The  Lanners  would
             turned  his  huge  rear-end   hunt  and  when  they  hit  a
             towards  the  Jimny  and   bird, the crows would grab it
             started  his  territorial   from them.
             marking. His aim was rather
             off  and  the  poor  Jimny   At Kij Kij waterhole we saw a
             received part of the marking!  Kori  Bustard  coming  to
                                     drink.  He  walked  amongst
             We  loved  visiting  the  water   the  flocks  of  little  birds
             holes. Other than the Lanner   coming in to drink and flying
             Falcons  hunting.  We   off. He looked very innocent,
             watched  the  flocks  of  Red-
             headed  Finches,  Cape   and suddenly grabbed a bird
                                     and  ate  it.  The  little  birds
             Sparrows,  Red-billed   were then a lot less trusting.
             Queleas,  Common  Ring   The  Kori  circled  the   A Tawny Eagle (Roofarend) coming in to land.            Bateleur (Berghaan) drinking
             Doves  and  the  Namaqua   waterhole  not  getting  a
             Doves  fleeing  from  the   chance to grab another little
             hunters. I felt very sorry for   bird.  He  eventually  knelt
             these  little  birds  that  were
             desperate for  drink.   down and drank, then circled
                                     around again in the hopes of
             The  Namaqua  Sandgrouse   another  snack,  but  with  no
             always  announced  their   success.
             arrival with their beautiful call
             before they landed.     Sometimes  we  saw  Grey-
                                     backed  Sparrow-weavers
             Sometimes  we  were  lucky   and  Stark’s  and  Sabota
             and  had  a  Bateleur  or  a   Larks  amongst  the  birds
             Tawny Eagle or two arrive.
                                     coming to drink.
             One  day  at  the  Polentswa   One of my favourite birds is
             waterhole we had a number
             of  vultures  come  down  to   the  Crimson-breasted                                             A Lappet-faced Vulture (Swartaasvoël) and a White-backed
                                     Shrike, it is very striking and I
             drink,  Lappet-faced  as  well   love  its  call.  I  call  it  the                              Vulture (Witrugaasvoël)  drinking together at the Polentswa
             as  White-backed  Vultures.   remote-control bird because                                                           waterhole.
             We  saw  a  juvenile  Black-  of  the  call  that  sounds  like   Lappet-faced Vultures (Swartaasvoëls)
             chested  Snake-eagle  that   the sound of a car opening
             was  clearly  unwell.  He   when you press the remote.
             moved around the waterhole
             for the next few days, we left   An  unexpected  bird  was  a
             the  area  and  do  not  know   Yellow  Wagtail  at  the  Mata
             what happened to it.    Mata  bird-hide.  A  fellow
                                     Eastern Cape birder, Jorrie,
             At  the  Rooiputs  waterhole
             there was a resident family of   told  us  about  an  African
             Lanners, two adults and two   Crake  that  had  taken  up
             juveniles.  The  one  evening   residence  in  the  camp.
             the two juveniles were sitting   Sadly, we did not get to see it.
             near  the  waterhole.  The   Being a birder really adds to
             flocks  of  small  birds   a visit to any national park.

                                                               We loved watching the little Scaly-feathered Finches
                                                               (Baardmannetjies) early in the mornings. They would
                                                              cuddle together and groom each other on a branch in the
                                                                             early morning sun.
                                                                                                                         Secretarybird (Sekretarisvoël)

              We saw this Spotted Eagle Owl (Gevlekte Ooruil) on its
                             nest a few times.

                                                             The Kori Bustard (Gompou) that snacked on a little bird at   Crimson-breasted Shrike (Rooiborslaksman) - my remote
             Two days later we saw these two fluffy chicks in the nest.       the water hole.                                   control bird.
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