Page 6 - 24 January 2025
P. 6


                                                                      Here is the expected

                                                              petrol price for February

                                                               BUSINESSTECH, Staff Writer, 15 Jan 2025
                                                              Mid-month  data  from  the
                                                              Central  Energy  Fund  (CEF)
                                                              points to a significant hike in
                                                              petrol and diesel prices next
                                                              month,  with  a  weaker  rand
                                                              and  volatile  oil  prices
             Ons wens die volgende tagtigjariges van harte geluk   working against motorists.
             met hul verjaarsdae en wens hulle alles van die beste   The  year  started  off  with  a
             vir die toekoms toe:                             kick  in  the  teeth  for
                                                              motorists,  with  petrol  and
             We congratulate the following octogenarians on their   diesel prices both increasing
             birthdays and wish them everything of the best for the
                                                              at the start of January.  primarily  governed  by  the
             future:                                                                                           The  rand  has  been  under   25 bps before year-end.
                                                              This trend is set to continue   rand/dollar  exchange  rate   pressure  since  the  start  of
             Stan Terry (ex-Elliot), 90 on 26 January         into  February,  with  petrol   and  international  oil  prices.   the  year,  hitting  January  at   According  to  Investec  chief
             Lorraine van den Berg, 94 op 28 Januarie         prices  projected  to  climb   In South Africa, the fuel price   R18.78/$,  after  reaching   economist Annabel Bishop,
                                                                                                                                       not  only  does  this  have  a
             Cecily Minnie, 83 on 29 January                  between  75  cents  and  81   is  adjusted  on  the  first   R17.60/$ in December.  direct impact on the rand, it
                                                              cents  per  litre,  while  diesel   Wednesday  of  every  month   The local unit weekend even   also  has  a  knock-on  effect
                     Summerfest 2024                          prices are expected to jump   based on these two factors.  further  this  week,  reaching   through  our  own  Reserve
                                                              around 89 cents per litre.  In January, the rand has wea-  19.23/$ on Monday.  Bank rate decisions.
                    VAG KOMPETISIE                            These  are  the  current   kened  significantly  against   The  weakening  has  been   She  noted  that  the  SARB’s
                                                              projections:            the  dollar—pushing  past                        next policy move is expected
                   Summerfest 2024 BKB Vag Kompetisie                                 R19/$ at one stage — while   driven largely by news out of
                                                              • Petrol 93: increase of 81                      the  United  States,  with  the   to be a small 25bp cut at the
             Daar was 6 klasse om in deel te neem:                                    international product prices
                                                                cents per litre                                incoming  presidency  of   end of January, but this will
             Eerste klas Merino Ram:                          • Petrol 95: increase of 75   — directed by oil prices —   Donald  Trump  adding   shrink  the  rate  differential
             1ste plek, Henry Cronje                            cents per litre       have  also  leaned  higher  in   uncertainty  to  global   between  the  US  and  SA,
             2de plek, Pat Vorster                            • Diesel 0.05% (wholesale):   recent weeks.      markets—pushing  risk-  weakening the rand.
             3de plek, Peet Naude                               increase of 90 cents per   Both factors are contributing   seeking  to  the  side—while   The  SARB  may  err  on  the
             Tweede klas Merino Ooie:                           litre                 to  under-recoveries  in  fuel   US economic data also held   side  of  caution  and  also
             1ste plek, Pat Vorster                           • Diesel  0.005%  (whole-  prices,  leading  to  a  likely   firm.       delay further rate cuts until
             2de plek, Pat Vorster                              sale): increase of 88 cents   price hike.      One of the key results of this   the  US  Fed  cuts  again  —
             3de plek, Stephan Nel                              per litre             Rand/Dollar Exchange     combination is that the US   which may only be at the end
             Derde klas Merino Lam:                           • Illuminating  paraffin:  in-  The  rand  has  had  a  rough   Fed  has  driven  a  narrative   of the year.
             1ste plek, James Reeders                           crease of 73 cents per litre                   that interest rate cuts will not   This  is  how  prices  could
             2de plek, Marx Van Rooyen                        The  CEF  does  not  present   start to 2025, weakening sig-  be coming hard and fast at   reflect  in  February  (Diesel
                                                                                      nificantly against the US dol-
             3de plek, James Reeders                          daily snapshot data for LP Gas.  lar  along  with  other  emer-  all,  with  analysts  now   prices  reflect  wholesale,
             Vierde klas Dohne Ooi:                           The  Department  of  Petro-  ging market currencies.  pencilling in only one cut of   pump prices will differ):
             1ste plek, Cecil vd Merwe (Snr)                  leum and Mineral Resources
             2de plek, Mannetjie Schoeman                     has  noted  that  its  daily   Inland               January Official      February Expected
             3de plek, Mannetjie Schoeman                     snapshots are not predictive   93 Petrol                R21.34                 R22.15
             Vyfde klas Dohne lam klas:                       and do not encompass other   95 Petrol                  R21.59                 R22.34
             1ste plek, Vossie en Kosie Pretorius             possible modifications, such   Diesel 0.05% (wholesale)  R19.29                R20.19
             2de plek, Cecil vd Merwe (Jnr)                   as slate levy adjustments or   Diesel 0.005% (wholesale)  R19.44               R20.32
             Sesde klas beste groep van die 3 Vagte:          retail margin changes.   Illuminating Paraffin          R13.26                 R13.99
             Pat Vorster                                      The department determines   Coastal                 January Official      February Expected
             Summerfest beste 5 Vagte oor hele kompetisie:    these  adjustments,  consi-  93 Petrol                  R20.55                 R21.36
                                                                                       95 Petrol
             Kampioen, Pat Vorster                            dering various factors, at the
             Reserwe kampioen James Reeders                   end of the month.        Diesel 0.05% (wholesale)       R18.50                 R19.40
             1ste plek, Cecil vd Merwe (Snr)                  Domestic  fuel  costs  are   Diesel 0.005% (wholesale)  R18.68                 R19.56
             2de plek, Henry Cronje                                                    Illuminating Paraffin          R12.26                 R12.99
             3de plek, Pat Vorster

              Hierdie  lys  van  funksies  en  gebeure    word
              gepubliseer  in  ‘n  poging  om  te  verhoed  dat
              belangrike fondsinsameling pogings bots. Funksies
              geplaas op voorwaarde dat ‘n advertensie later
              geplaas  word.  ‘n  Rekening  sal  gestuur  word
              indien daar nie ‘n advertensie geplaas word nie.
                            FEBRUARY 2025
              4   Kevlynn Dohne Merino Sale (Dordrecht)
              22-23 Stoepsit Fees (Rhodes) with local tours on
                  offer on Friday 21 and Monday 24
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