Page 82 - 2020 NuWood FlipBook
P. 82

N   U   - W     O    O   D                                                                                                         PRODUC T
               warranty                                                                              INFO                                         returns                                                                  POLICY

               Nu-Wood by Jasper Plastics provides a Limited Lifetime Warranty to the original purchaser of the standard                         Carrier Damage Claims
               (non-custom products made from urethane material. This Limited Lifetime Warranty provides that the ure-
               thane material will be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and proper instal-                          •  Inspection must be made of each shipment upon delivery.  Damages to cartons or   goods
               lation. Upon presentation of defective product and proof of original purchase, Nu-Wood by Jasper Plastics                             should be noted on the Bill of Lading or Carrier Delivery Receipt at the time of delivery.                  CUSTOMER SERVICE
               will supply replacement product to repair and/or replace defective features as purchased through original                         •  Claims for loss must be filed in writing with a signed copy of the Bill of Lading or  Carrier
               dealer/customer or refund the original purchase price.
                                                                                                                                                     Delivery Receipt noting the damage within 24 hours of the delivery.
               If a defect is found in a Nu-Wood product and the above conditions have been met, the original dealer/                            •  An RMA will then be processed.
               customer should notify Nu-Wood in writing and send pictures to document the defect, within thirty (30)
               days of discovering the defect. The customer may be required to return the product to Nu-Wood (at his or
               her expense) for evaluation. Nu-Wood will then review the situation and determine if replacement, repair or
               refund of the product is appropriate. This warranty does not include labor, transportation costs or any other
               expenses of any kind incurred in connection with the purchase, use or installation of the product. Replace-
               ment, repair or refund is the sole and exclusive option under this limited warranty.                                              Quality Returns

               Nu-Wood by Jasper Plastics recommends that all polyurethane products be finished with an exterior grade                           •  Requests for defective material RMA must be made within 6 months of delivery.
               latex paint over the factory applied primer and any parts submitted for warranty replacement that have not                        •  Requests must be submitted in writing to Nu-Wood with a description of the defect and a
               been finished accordingly will be void of warranty.                                                                                   picture of the defective product if possible.
                                                                                                                                                 •  Once the request has been approved Nu-Wood will determine if an RGA is necessary
               Nu-Wood by Jasper Plastics further provides or passes on, from Sherwin Williams, a Limited Lifetime War-                              and apply credits or replacement products as desired.
               ranty to the original consumer purchaser that our exterior FINISH paint finish will be free from excessive
               fading, blistering, and paint peeling under normal use. Upon presentation of defective product and proof
               of original purchase, Nu-Wood by Jasper Plastics will supply replacement coatings in sufficient quantity to
               repair defective area or refund the original purchase price.

               This limited warranty does not cover damage resulting from mishandling in transit (if within the
               customer’s control), acts of God, customer alteration, vandalism, misuse, abuse, improper maintenance,                            Returns Policies
               unreasonable care or other causes not arising from defects in workmanship and materials. Nor does this
               limited warranty cover custom built products. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,                                        •  Requests for policy RMA must be made within 6 months of delivery.
               WRITTEN OR ORAL, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR                                                       •  Requests must be submitted in writing to Nu-Wood
               PURPOSE, OTHER THAN AS EXPRESSED HEREIN. No person, agent, distributor, dealer, service facility,                                 •  All requests for returned goods are subject to the following:
               or company is authorized to change, modify or amend the terms of this limited warranty in any manner or                                    »  Goods must be clean and in original condition.
               fashion whatsoever, except to the extent provided in this limited warranty. Jasper/Nu-Wood shall not be                                    »  Goods must be unbroken and in the original packaging.
               liable to the customer or to any other person for any incidental or consequential damages or loss of profit                                »  A 15% restocking fee will be charged.
               resulting from any defect in the product. Warranty limited to total purchase price.
                                                                                                                                                 •  Items not eligible for return or credit:
               Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, or the exclusion or limitation of                              »  Damaged product.
               incidental or consequential damages, so that the above limitation or exclusion may not apply. This warranty                                »  Product that has been installed, painted or in any way modified from its original
               gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights which vary from state to state. We reserve                                 shipped condition.
               the right to change or modify any of the terms and conditions contained within this warranty at any time                                   »  Custom or special made products.
               and at our sole discretion without prior notice.

                                                                                                                                                                         THANK YOU FOR SPECIFYING Nu-Wood™

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