Page 4 - Pharmaquest issue 1 2020
P. 4
It is my pleasure to write this letter of
congratulations to the Department of
Pharmacy and the Forum for Pharmacy
(FOP), a student club of Department of
Pharmacy, KU School of Science who is with the faculty and staff. Moreover, the
publishing the new volume of Pharma Department of Pharmacy has developed
Quest including inspirational and an outstanding national and international
motivational as well as student’s university reputation for academic and collaborative
real life experiences related articles. I am research activities.
confident that this e-magnize would be I may take this opportunity to state that
informative and guidance to prospective KU has been the pioneer in commencing
students. undergraduate and graduate programs in
The profession of pharmacy is rapidly Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
changing in connection with new in Nepal keeping in mind that Nepal is
treatment modalities and expanding roles in need of competent pharmacists in our
of health care professionals. Pharmacists health care systems for better patient care
play a vital role in improving patient care and pharmaceutical industry from the
through the medicine and information production of quality medicine to safe
they provide. Since many years, pharmacy guard consumers.
has been ranked as one of the most highly I hope that the department will continue
trusted professions. achieving its mission with disciplined
At the Department of Pharmacy, our students, dedicated teachers and
students are the most important natural cooperative staff and finally to strengthen
resources that we have. Their education the status of our school.
is an investment in the future of the Finally, I would like to congratulate the
pharmacy profession. Our outstanding Pharma Quest team for their hard work
faculty members work hard preparing and dedication.
students for the future which will I wish all the best for the future endeavor.
bring further changes to the practice
of pharmacy. Thus, we are proud of the
friendly relationships that students build