Page 6 - Pharmaquest issue 1 2020
P. 6



  In the mid of 1999,Iwas in 3rd year. Classmates
  called for meeting to establish a departmental
  club. Then series of meetings were held and

  the concept paper was submitted to Head of
  department, Prof. B. S. Rao. One day HoD called
  us in his office and interrogated whether we were
  motivated politically or not and whether this club  Now we are in preparation of it. A big

  will be political or professional. After several            congratulation to current FoP executive
  meetings we were able to convinced him and                  committee for their dedication and hard work.
  Registrar, Prof. Dr. Sitaram Adhikary that this             I had assisted them as a Staff- coordinator but
  club will be purely professional and conducts               all the credit goes to them who were directly or

  professional activities only. I was selected as a           indirectly involved in the bidding process. Once
  founder Secretary. By then, I came to know about  again Hats off to FoP executives and direct and
  IPSF via FIP. Then FoP was established and                  indirect contributors to win this bid. Winning bid
  became national member  organization of Nepal  is tough task but we have more responsibilities to

  in IPSF. Then we bid for AAPS and won the bid  execution after winning the bid. I am confident
  to organize 6th APPS in 2007. FoP organized it              that their hard work and dedications and spirits
  with a grand success under my chairmanship.                 will make this event as well a grand success.
  Then we joined to host student exchange through  Keep up your hard work and spirits every hurdles

  IPSF as well. During my BPharm I served as a                in the coming days will be defeated.
  Secretary and after BPharm as Staff-coordinator  PharmaQuest is regular publication of  FoP and
  till my PhD. I was given chairman of 6th IPSF               it has separate team. I appreciate their work

  AAPS (2007) as a PhD student. This was the                  and spirit. All these things will pay you in your
  brief history of FoP and I hope this will help new  professional life. Wish you for upcoming issue of
  students to know the history of FoP.                        Pharmaquest.
                                                              Good luck and wish you all for upcoming ‘GPPed
  This is the pioneer departmental club in our                Symposium 2020.

  university. It had added several activities year
  by year such as health camp, blood donation,
  celebrations of different international days such           ___

  as ‘World AIDS day’.; ‘Pharmacy day’. These                 ___________________________
  activities are helping students to make responsible  Uttam Budhathoki, PhD, PDF
  to society.                                                 Associate Professor & Staff coordinator FoP
  Good Pharmacy Guidelines had been drafted in                Department of Pharmacy, School of Science,
  Nepal but it has not been implemented. Thus,                Kathmandu University

  feeling its importance for better heath care,FoP            Dhulikhel, Kavre
  bided to organize 6th GPPed Symposium 2020                  GPO box 6250
  and won the bid in 1919.                          
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