Page 6 - Template - Menu Mock Up
P. 6
Preparation tasks…
These are all tasks that you'll need to complete before you host your meal. It's important to take
your time and understand all of the tasks involved. These are broken down into elements
required to be done for each course.
There are written instructions, supported by images, to help you create some amazing dishes.
All of the tasks have been given estimates on timings and a list of the equipment needed to help
you plan how, and when you undertake each task.
We recommend completing all preparation tasks at least 30 minutes before you begin hosting,
this gives you time to clear your working space and get your pans and plates ready. Don't forget
to make sure your table is laid, your drink is full and the music is playing.
If you have any questions please contact us as soon as you have read the instructions so we
can assist if required.
Before you begin please note that all cooking times and
temperatures are tested but are estimates. Cooking appliances vary
so please regularly check your food throughout cooking. Use
probes, thermometers or timers accordingly.