Page 2 - HCSWA Builder
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Fibre to the Premises

   Getting Connected

   With the evolving Fibre Technologies supplied by service providers it is essential to have
   your cabling infrastructure configured correctly to Communications and Australian
   Our systems comply with all guidelines for the        Internal Conduit
   specified Service Provider for your premises.
   A NBN compliant conduit is installed from your
   Network Boundary to the nominated location
   (normally Garage) within your home.
   For FTA (Free To Air) TV, Phone and Internet
   access, High quality High speed CAT 6 AND RG6   Power
   Quad Shielded Coaxial cable are installed to
   ensure your home is capable of receiving the                        Wall Cavity
   data speeds required to operate at optimum
                                                          Floor Slab
   levels for the newest of Digital Technologies.
                                                                         Lead-in Conduit
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