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Security Alarms

   Prevent and Protect

                                            Security Alarms not only act as a deterrent
                                            to thieves, but also provide the home
                                            owner peace of mind. Our Security Alarm
                                            Systems can be configured to not only
                                            activate sirens and strobe lights alerting
                                            neighbours and passers by of a security
                                            condition, but to also notify Security
                                            Monitoring Stations of the breach.

                                            When App enabled, communication with
                                            Smart Devices provide the owner with the
                                            ability to check the current armed status of
                                            the security alarm and to remotely Arm and
                                            Disarm the system via their Smartphone.
                                            In the event of an alarm condition “Push
                                            Notifications” are sent to nominated
                                            Smartphones alerting of the event, at
                                            anytime and to anywhere in the world,
                                            provided internet services are available.

         ✓   PIR Movement Sensors
         ✓   Door Reed Switches                   Home
         ✓   Roller Door Reed Switches
         ✓   Window Reed Switches
         ✓   Glass Breakage Sensors
         ✓   Smoke Detectors
         ✓   Perimeter Beams
         ✓   Mobile Remote Monitoring
         ✓   Wireless Remotes
         ✓   Panic Duress Buttons

      HCSWA use expandable Security Alarm
      Systems that allow home owners to
      expand the system, quickly and easily.
      With the wide range of internal and
      external detectors available, HCSWA are
      sure to have a solution to suit your
      Security requirements.
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