Page 16 - Newsletter SEPTEMBER 23
P. 16

John F Hunt Power

        Stage V Generators...

        Our  fleet  of  Stage  V  generators  is
        expanding  as  we  continue  to  take
        delivery of new sets. These generators,
        complete with the latest environmental
        technology,  ensure  compliance with
        the  latest  NRMM  legislation  for  use  in
        London’s ULEZ.

        We are experiencing great success with
        clients across the UK who are adopting
        this new technology for their temporary
        power requirements.

                                                               New Fuel Stations...
                                                               As part of our John F Hunt Fuels division,
                                                               which  is  growing  from  strength  to
                                                               strength, we have introduced our new
                                                               Fuel Stations to the fleet.

                                                               Fitted with innovative remote monitoring
                                                               technology  from  B.SMART,  these  units
                                                               allow real-time monitoring of fuel usage
                                                               across any number of sites and provide
                                                               immediate  transaction  data  through
                                                               the cloud!

        Investing in Flybrid Units...

        Further  deliveries  of  new  Flybrid  units
        continue as part of out fleet investment
        for 2023. We now carry the largest fleet
        of Flybrid units in the UK!

        They  feature  state-of-the-art  flywheel
        technology,  found  in  Formula  One
        cars,  which  allows  for  significant
        generator downsizing for transient load
        applications.  We  are  having  great
        success with our clients on jobs requiring
        hoists,  mastclimbers  and  tower  cranes
        – resulting in a much more fuel-efficient
        power supply.

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